If you’re a business owner, the main purpose of sharing content on social media is to attract people who not only engage with your content, but are excited to sign up for your services.
Investing time and effort into crafting content, without getting clients from it can feel discouraging.
Believe me, I get it.
But with the right strategy, you can get clients consistently from social media.
And you don’t need to…
➡️ Be constantly hanging out in Facebook groups
➡️ Post every day
➡️ Have a huge audience
➡️ Get loads of likes and comments on every post
➡️ Be on every social media platform
The truth is, you can create a successful coaching business WITHOUT any of these things. ❤️
What you need instead is a compelling content strategy that accelerates the connection and trust with your audience.
That’s how you become a Coach that people want to work with.
If you don’t know how to turn your social media followers into coaching clients…
1. You waste so much time creating content that doesn’t get any results
2. You feel like you’re a failure when you’re not
3. You don’t reach the right people who need your services – so you don’t more clients and grow your business
The online business world is changing so fast with more and more people becoming coaches and heading online to do business.
That means, that we as coaches need to level up the way we engage with our audience, communicate our value, and create our online content.
To get more clients from your social media, your content needs to be compelling. It needs to repel the wrong people, and compel the right people.
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If you get this right…
1. Your audience will grow with raving fans that love you
2. More people will reach out to you in your DM’s and emails who are interested in what you do
3. You’ll attract more soul mate clients fast and consistently
So how do we do this?
Here are 5 powerful ways you can create more compelling content so you can get more clients from your social media.
1. Speak more about outcomes than methods
A big mistake that people make on social media is speaking too much about the methods or the processes of what they do in their marketing.
Marketing should focus more on the outcome. Sell the dream.
For example – if you’re a health coach, sharing too many details about the specific foods to eat or avoid.
Or the specific exercises to do.
Rather than focusing on how good someone will feel to have a flat stomach.
Giving away your method and process secrets makes it too obvious and makes you come across less valuable.
It’s also very important to share – WHY your value is important for them to know
It’s more that tips and tricks.
You can still share valuable content – but focus on inspiring someone to want to change – rather than telling them what to do.
For example –
If you’re a business coach that teaches how to run Facebook ads, in your free marketing, don’t share too much about the technicalities of what to specifically do in Facebook ads.
Share content that shifts someone’s incorrect belief about ads to why ads are so powerful.
They need to pay for the steps on how to personally make it work for them in their business.
2. Build trust with evidence, education, and experience
Anyone can open up an IG account now – it doesn’t make you an expert. We can’t assume that people know that they can trust us. We need to prove it.
It’s not a reliable strategy to just know that you’re trustworthy.
Drop a y for yes if you think of yourself as a trustworthy person?
Most people do, right?
But it’s not enough. You have to take it an extra step.
You have to be intentional SHOW you’re trustworthy in the marketplace.
This is a completely different thing.
It’s only if we are PERCEIVED as trustworthy that people want to work with us.
We can show we’re trustworthy to the marketplace by positioning ourselves as an expert in their minds.
I recommend you do this by sharing 3 E’s consistently:
We can’t just say ‘Do this, do that’
We need to back it up and support what we’re saying.
That’s how you build trust.
3. Use your content to shift beliefs
If you want to turn your followers into coaching clients, you need to shift beliefs using your content.
You might be wondering – how do I do that?
Belief-Shifting Content shifts someone’s specific belief about your topic – their perception, their way of thinking.
It could be the true cause of their problem…
…what they’re currently doing to solve their problem…
or what they need to do to solve their problem.
For example – A lot of coaches believe – “If I just keep doing what I’m doing, eventually it will work”
Whereas I want to show them a better way.
Or they might believe they need to create MORE content. When the truth is, the best results come from changing the way you create content – what you say and how you say it.
A lot of people have the misconception that valuable content is giving tips.
Value is so much more than tips. Value is when someone sees something differently.
It’s when they get a new perspective on something.
We show them that we have what it takes to fill the gap between where they are and where they want to be.
The coaches who take the time to do this and don’t just post for posting sake…
…but are strategic in their social media are the ones who get clients.
This is about taking the time to craft well-thought out, well-worded content.
A lot of people aren’t doing that.
They don’t want to spend the time on it, or they don’t know how to do it.
When you understand the driving forces of your ideal clients – their frustrations, fears, dreams and desires – your content needs to reflect that.
If people aren’t taking action on your content, there’s one thing you can do that will change that. It’s to shift beliefs.
If people need what you offer and have the resources to buy it, there’s typically only one reason they’re not responding to your content or reaching out to work with you.
It’s because they don’t yet believe they can get the result that you offer.
That’s why we need to shift beliefs using our content.
4. Be opinionated
Sharing your opinion can really help you show the difference between you and others.
Think about why people should listen to YOU over someone else who does what you do.
What do you always say to your friends or peers about your topic?
What messages do you want to repeat?
Share what you stand for and stand against.
This positions you as a leader
It compels the right people and repels the wrong people.
Share your values and beliefs and perspectives on things.
If you have factual data and evidence supporting what you’re saying, it will be much more powerful. Go all in.
Some people call this being contrarian.
The meaning of contrarian is – “a person who takes a contrary position, or a person who opposes or rejects popular opinion.”
Show why your approach is different and why it works better.
For example, I often share that if you’re a coach and you don’t have thousands of followers, right now you probably don’t need to be doing influencer-style marketing where you’re sharing about your life constantly.
We’ve got to be so careful with what we’re influenced by and weigh it up based on the stage we’re at in our business journey.
There are loads of strategies that gurus are recommending that can be very distracting and suck a lot of unnecessary time based on where you’re at in your business journey right now.
For example:
Posting Instagram stories 3-5x a day
Sending Cold DM’s
Hiring an appointment setter to book calls for you
Getting PR or media exposure
Sharing a Reel every day
Advertising on other people’s websites
Having other people’s advertising on your website
Writing a book
Trying to go viral
Creating a podcast
Sharing on Pinterest
There – that was an example of being opinionated.
Think about how you can show more contrast in your business.
What are you teaching NOT to do? What are you standing against?
5. Move people along the client journey
We want to encourage people not to just be passive consumers, but action-takers as a result of what they read or watch from us.
If our content doesn’t inspire people to take action, then it’s not influencing them to move along the client journey.
There should always be a next step.
A lot of opportunities are missed by not inviting an action step at the end of your content.
I love what Denise Duffield Thomas says in her book ‘Chillpreneur’ – “Be consistent. Share what you know and make offers.”
Most of your pieces of content should inspire action.
Otherwise, they could just be nice thoughts or interesting information, which can add to the noise.
Every content piece should be chipping away at the limiting beliefs or the resistance or the blocks people have to taking action.
Your content strategy is a series of pieces of content that do that.
It’s about building trust, nurturing, and supporting people.
When you know how to create content that people want to consume…
* You impact more lives
* More people reach out who want to work with you
* Your content turns your followers into your clients
So how do you create a system that gets you amazing clients on repeat – predictably and reliably?
I’m sharing the exact formula that I use and teach to my private clients in my upcoming FREE live workshop:
‘How To Get Coaching Clients With Easy Marketing’

This online workshop is designed specifically for female coaches who want to consistently attract more high-quality clients.
I’m sharing the most valuable lessons from my 20 years of client attraction experience, all laid out in a simple, actionable formula that ANYONE can follow.
It’s helped hundreds of my clients to attract amazing clients consistently and I’m excited to share it with you!
You’ll walk away with…
* The Compelling Content Formula
I’ll be sharing the exact steps to create an effective compelling content strategy, structure your content using brain-based influence principles, and develop the essential marketing skills for a thriving coaching business.
* The 24/7 Marketing Machine
How to effortlessly automate your lead generation with a simple 4-step marketing funnel that brings leads in consistently and predictably, even while you’re on holiday or sleeping
* The Elegant Conversion Event
A proven plan to launch a profitable online event
…so you can reliably FILL your events & calendar with qualified clients.
You’ll walk away with a proven formula you can continue to use for years to come…
…PLUS you will take action on the day & start building out your client attraction plan.
Learn more and secure your FREE ticket to the Workshop
Kat xo
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