In the midst of the current world chaos, there is no better time than to talk about strategies for how to handle chaos well.
This week I’m taking a break from the normal business topics, to talk about mindset and how to manage your mind throughout the season that we’re in.
Not everyone knows this but I do a lot of mindset work with people and I’ve been studying the mind for the past two decades and I’m fascinated with the mind, our thoughts, psychology and the brain.
I spend a lot of time researching and contemplating the mind, this is an area that I’m passionate about. The reason I chose business is that I love working with entrepreneurs like yourself, who want to grow their business.
Mindset is key when developing our businesses. Often people bump up against a roadblock, a limiting belief, a negative emotion of fear that holds them back.
It’s not until we work on this area of mindset that we get unstuck, and start flowing and taking action again in our businesses.
So I want to share with you some ways to manage your mind throughout this chaotic time that we’re living through. All of us are feeling the effects of the Coronavirus. A lot of people are feeling fearful, anxious and worried.
If that’s you, I want to give you some ways to think that might be helpful for you, and some mindset tips that you can take away and implement immediately.
These are keys that you can also share with those you influence; your family, your employees, your neighbours and your community.
Understand What You Can Control – The TEAR Model
Firstly, we need to understand the realities of what we can control and what we can’t control. I teach a model called the TEAR Model to a lot of my coaching clients.
The TEAR Model is a four-step model that shows that circumstances are not the thing that actually drives our feelings, our actions or our results.
T – Thoughts
E – Emotions
A – Actions
R – Results
Circumstances are neutral. The facts about the Coronavirus, the facts about what’s happening are neutral. They are a circumstance. They are the only things we can’t control. We can control the other 4 aspects which is our thoughts, emotions, actions, and results.
If you’re a coach, I recommend it’s so important at the moment to be coaching your clients in managing their thoughts, because we cannot necessarily control the circumstances and the events that are happening. Nor can we control the facts.
We’ve got to be careful with what we view as facts. Make sure that what we are believing is fact and not an assumption of someone around you.
Remember, we cannot control the circumstances, but we can control our thoughts, our emotions, our actions and our results.
It always starts with our thoughts. Our thoughts about a circumstance is going to lead to our emotions. Our emotions that come from those thoughts are going to lead to our actions. Our actions are going to lead to the results we produce.
An example of this is the circumstance with the supermarkets. People’s thoughts are leading them to the emotions of fear, panic, worry and stress. They think they are going to run out of food for their families.
Their thoughts are driving their emotions to overtake common sense and their actions are to panic buy. The result of this is no food or toilet paper left on the shelves.
Another person may walk into the same supermarket but have completely different thoughts, emotions, actions and ultimately results. They may see the empty shelves and think the shops will get restocked, they don’t worry because they know they are cared for.
These people walk in peace and joy, as they know everything will work out for them. You’ve got to separate the facts from the circumstance.
Watch what you put into your soul through your eyes. I call it the eyes gate. And watch what you listen to through your ears (your ears gate).
The media feed us a cocktail of fear. They show what’s happening and the panic and fear grow. It’s important what you ‘feed’ your eyes and ears at the time. Be protective over them and that of your children (if you have them).
Our social media feeds are called a ‘feed’ for a reason. We’re getting fed constant fear and panic, and that part of our brain is actually getting addicted to it.
The more we are consuming the fear in our feeds, the less that we’re looking at all the beauty in the world. We are overlooking all the love, all the communities rallying together, all the support and all the wonderful things in the world.
3 Don’ts for Managing Chaotic Times
1) Don’t Look to Others to Decide How to Feel
It’s so important that you don’t look to others to decide how you should be feeling.
We need to step up and take leadership, and be great role models.
A lot of people are looking around at people’s eyes and looking at the news and looking at their social feeds to decide how to feel. If someone is panicking, it’s easy to feel like you’ve got to adjust how you feel.
You can almost feel a little bit bad that you’re feeling calm and happy. I feel very calm, and I almost feel tempted to go into guilt for feeling calm and happy!
Use your thoughts to decide how you want to feel.
What feelings do you WANT to feel and what thoughts
Step back and look at this – we are living in a unique moment in history. We are on this journey together as the humans. This is our journey right now and we get to choose how we decide to view it.
How do you want to be known as to how you handled 2020 and what’s going on in the world right now?
We get decide how this time will be remembered in our lives and in the lives of our children.
I choose thoughts that help me stay calm and created and resourceful.
I know that the calmer and happier I am, the more that I can help other people.
It’s important for me to stay calm and to do that, I have to choose the right thoughts.
I have to choose to trust, I have to choose to believe that whatever happens, we will handle it.
2) Don’t Feel Bad for Feeling any Feeling
Please don’t feel bad, guilty or shame for feeling whatever you’re feeling. Whether that’s feeling like you should probably be sad right now, because people are dying, but you don’t feel sad.
If you’re feeling happy and you’re getting on with your life, don’t feel guilt! If you are staying on purpose, and feeling that for you it’s important not getting distracted, that’s the best thing that you can do for the world right now.
Don’t feel bad if you feel scared or if you’ve had to cancel an event. If you’ve got elderly parents and you feel concerned for them. That’s okay.
It’s ok to allow yourself to feel the disappointment, feel concern or feel the hurt. Don’t try to buffer or numb feelings. It’s healthy to sit with your feelings for a while. But you don’t need to stay there.
Be conscious of how others are being impacted by these events and don’t minimise the experience of others. It’s so important though, that we don’t get sucked into depression, anxiety or fear in the midst of this situation.
The leaders that are successful are those that will stay calm. When you’re stressed, you don’t think clearly, you’re not intelligent or smart decisions. As emotion increases, intelligence often decreases.
In this time of uncertainty, it’s good to give your brain certainty.
So stick with routines that keep a level of certainty about your life, like going to the gym or doing workouts and making healthy food. Routines help keep certainty.
3) Don’t Give in to Urges That Don’t Serve You
Resist urges that make you want to drink alcohol, give up your healthy routine or make you want to just stay in bed and not focus on building your business because the world is at a standstill.
Choose things that will benefit you and your business. If it means not looking at the news, then choose not to read or listen to the news. If it’s not helping you, it’s not serving you.
I’m putting my energy into my business into coaching people, focussing around mindset and helping people with their emotions.
3 Do’s for Managing Chaotic Times
1) Focus on Thoughts That Make You Feel Better
Think about what’s going to make you feel better and feel calm. For me, I trust that whatever comes my way I can handle it. I trust that the authorities are doing the best that they can and I trust that I will be provided for.
I know that I have a great community. I know that I can learn from this. I take this as an opportunity to grow.
There’s no point suffering for no reason. There’s no point sitting in anxiety, when you have tools and resources, and people that can help you get out of it.
Sometimes I’ll just stop and sit on my chair and I’ll just write out positive, helpful happy thoughts. It’s not denying the facts. It’s not putting your head in the sand.
You’re looking at the facts and deciding what you want to think and feel about them.
2) Increase Positive Input and Decrease Exposure
How much time, are you spending on your Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn feed? How much negativity are you allowing into your eye and ear gates?
Double down on your positive input. Listen to positive podcasts, positive addresses on Facebook and spend positive time with your friends. Match the amount of negativity you are seeing and hearing, with the equivalent of positive input.
Coaching is one of the best things you can do at the moment, because coaching helps people let out their concerns. It’s like cleaning your house; you can clean out all the mess inside. Clean up your mind and have a listening ear.
Don’t be scared. You’re not going to run out of work. You have so many people that you can help at this time. Please don’t sit back and wait for people to come to you. Reach out and ask people how you can help.
Offer free coaching sessions and help people with managing their minds. As coaches, we help people manage their minds and focus on what they want.
3) Use This Time to Grow Stronger, Be Creative and Innovate
Put on a growth mindset. People with a growth mindset welcome challenges. They think, ‘How am I going to grow? How am I going to learn?’ They believe the world is going to get better.
We need a filter change. If we filter to see only the bad, we will only see the bad. We need to take precautions and we need to be safe.
We need to choose a positivity filter to view life at this time. Choosing a positive filter means you will see this time as an opportunity to grow. You may have to pivot and run those live events as webinars, but look for the opportunities within this time.
This is an opportunity to get stronger, to look at how you can innovate. Be creative. Join together and form stronger communities. Do your best to be part of the solution.
If you’re a business owner and you’re struggling during this time, I’d love to offer you a free coaching session*
If you need help or support for yourself personally or in business, you can book a free 30-minute coaching session here
*First-time sessions
Don’t suffer alone. We’re all in this together.
We the humans are amazing, resilient and resourceful.
We will get through this.
Take strong and take care,
Hi Kat
Trying to find where to write the comments and couldn’t find so I will look a little deeper and write down where I’m at ! I loved what you had to say I’ve been trying to practice that in my own way and you just put it into words so amazingly as you always do . I have remained positive and I’ve been giving out some of those tips you have give, you have just taken it deeper, so so good the content-wise thank you again!
I’m going to use this also to get out there and committed to use the homework from AYI . I see the need to go deeper with coaching , my thoughts tell me I cant!
Maybe a mini podcast/virtual workshop from you on a coaching session would be a great for those ( & me) to start coaching seriously??
Blessings & honour to you!
Thanks Nicolene! I will message you 🙂