If you want to be able to turn someone from a stranger, into a follower, into a paid client and eventually into a loyal, raving fan, there are 3 specific keys that you need to follow.
Your clients will move through a specific progression from discovering you & engaging with you, through to buying from you, and it’s important that you understand how it works.
Too many people rush things.
In dating. In networking events. In pushy DM’s & PM’s. In sales conversations.
Over the years I’ve worked with all sorts of business owners, from coaches, psychologists and consultants, to childcare centre owners, gym and studio owners and thought leaders.
The people who are most successful have nailed these 3 keys that I’m sharing with you today.
The 3 keys are Know —> Like —> Trust
This is the progression your clients will take from discovering you & engaging with you, through to buying from you.
You’ve probably heard of these factors before. But do you know how to use them?
It’s important to look at your whole marketing strategy when it comes to employing the know, like and trust factor.
A lot of people say that they are posting but not getting clients. They are sending out emails, but people aren’t clicking through and taking action on the next step.
If that sounds like you, one of these 3 ingredients is probably missing.
The good news is, once you identify it and fix it, you can get your client pipeline flowing again.
When you combine these three elements, magic happens.
You start to become more of an authority and you build a tribe of fiercely loyal clients.
So here are 3 keys to take people rapidly on the journey from not knowing you, through to knowing you, liking you and trusting you enough to become your client and also become a raving fan.
1 – The Know Factor
There are three different aspects under the ‘know’ factor that we need to take into consideration.
When it comes to people knowing you, visibility is key. People need to know that you exist, so you’ve got to be visible and visible in multiple places.
This is stage is all about building awareness that you exist. This means you need to show up in multiple places online and you need to attend events as well.
Going to events are such an easy way to build trust and connection really fast.
I know it’s been challenging this year to get out there and attend actual physical, live events, but attending seminars, conventions, conferences and networking events, is the easiest way to get known quickly. Because we’ve had social distancing and so many live events have been mostly closed down, I suggest hanging out regularly online instead, such at Facebook groups.
Pick three of your favourites groups and make sure you’re not in there with the sole purpose of getting clients.
It’s so important to give value while you are there.
You can also build connections and collaborate with Facebook group owners and ask to be a guest speaker on a podcast or in the Facebook group.
It’s called relationship marketing or conversational marketing. So you want to be out there, being visible in order to build that ‘know’ factor.
Build Curiosity
Building curiosity is so key for building people to know and like you. People get curious about what you do by regularly seeing you and by you educating people on what you do.
It’s all about volume and putting things up multiple times. You can’t put one blog up and think that it’s going to get you clients. You need to educate people about what you do. Be really clear on what you do. This is why niching is so important.
You can’t just say you are a life coach or a business coach. You’ve got to tell people the kinds of things you do with people.
To get people to move to the like factor, they need to know you. And we want to make sure people get to know you by you being yourself.
Marketing is about attracting and repelling, so if you think about it, would you rather have a bunch of people that love you because they know you, or a few people that just don’t like you?
If you want to be successful you don’t need everyone to like you. You just want people to know clearly who you are, what you do and you want to be able to be yourself.
A lot of people struggle with getting out and being visible. But the fact is, if you’re not willing to do it, you won’t even pass that first date. There are stages that you’ve got to move people through from knowing to like into trusting, so you have to get out there and be visible.
People won’t just know you exist. You need to make yourself known to your ideal clients.
2 – The Like Factor
Giving Value
How much do you generously and genuinely give value? Back in the old days (like years ago) you could just put up an E-book and actually charge for it. But it’s not like that now in the market.
The world is getting more and more competitive so we’ve got to make sure that our free stuff is really valuable and consistent.
Be generous and give things that people really want, not some scrappy thing that you created years ago and want to use as a lure.
You want to make your freebies something of great worth and value, and something that someone can take away and apply it straight away. This way you are giving people a mini win and a result straight away.
We like people because we relate to them. Think about how you can connect with people and build the bridge of trust through being relatable.
Being authentic and showing your human side makes you more relatable. We relate with people who aren’t formal or fake. No one likes fake people. We’ve got to be genuine and authentic.
How much are you being yourself and how much are you putting on a mask? When you share your struggles and how you’ve overcome them, you’re showing your vulnerability.
This opens people up to you when you share from your heart, share your struggles and what you did to overcome them.
You’ve got to be nice. I’ve found myself to be successful because I’m nice. I genuinely care about people and I’m not pushy. I give value.
If you’re trying to choose between two coaches, you’re going to go with the one that you like the most. It’s not like you’re buying a commodity, like bread or a car. You’re buying time with a person. I’d prefer to spend time with someone I love to be with and I’m sure it’s the same with you.
Being Inspirational
Being inspiring is how you will move someone to actually want to take action. So if you’re thinking about how to get people to the next step towards working with you, there are many steps towards working with you.
Most people don’t want to rush it. But how do we move someone to the next level? You’ve got to be building that skill of being able to appeal and inspire people so they want to take the next step towards you.
I love Seth Godin. He’s one of the best marketers in the world. He’s got some incredible books and I encourage you to look him up. He says he doesn’t check his analytics or go into his website to check how many people have visited, he just commits to doing great work every single day.
He’s written a blog, every single day, for years. He just shows up every day and gives and gives. He inspires people to take the next action by giving tangible nuggets.
You can’t be sloppy. You’ve got to really craft your words so that people are inspired to move towards you.
People need to be inspired. They need to know what your point of difference is, and how you can actually help them solve a genuine problem.
Ultimately we like people who we feel good around. We like people who inspire and help us. Ultimately we are sharing value and helping people with a specific problem.
3 – The Trust Factor
Trust is the most challenging part, but your client absolutely needs to trust you. You may spend a lot of time on this step, but it’s the most important step.
When we invest our time, our energy, our money, there must be trust. Without trust, there is no exchange.
If you think of any relationship, a friendship, a romantic partner or a family relationship, these all have to have trust.
Trust takes time to build, so take the time at the beginning stage to do this and don’t rush people along until trust is established.
The first thing to building trust is consistency. People want to be able to rely on you. They want to know you’re not here one day and then gone the next.
I look at some business pages and they’ve not posted on their socials for over a year. When you’re not consistent you can’t build trust.
You’ve got to show people you’re serious. So focus on sharing with people what you do consistently.
The quickest way to build trust is through video. So you’ve got to make sure that you’re putting video in your marketing strategy. And there’s also a right and wrong way to do a video.
There are things you can do on video that actually put people off, so you definitely want to hone your skills if you’re going to be doing video.
You also want to think about a combination of written and video content consistently.
Imagine if you decided that every single day you’re going to share with three people what you do. You just keep showing up and you post and you share content and you commit.
It’s a decision you need to make and keep.
There are a lot of people selling dodgy things on the internet. A lot of people sell things for cheap like online courses and they don’t know what they’re doing.
If you provide a service like coaching or consulting, often people are buying something that’s invisible. So you need to put their mind at ease by showing our credibility.
To show your credibility, don’t be afraid to share your expertise. You can do it in a humble way that’s not bragging.
You can talk about how grateful you are to have worked with certain people and how long you have worked in a particular industry.
Do it with the tonality of gratitude and show how your expertise can help people get where they want to go faster.
You can do this through social proof, like sharing testimonials from people who’ve worked with you. It could be sharing stories of how you’ve successfully helped others achieve results.
It’s being transparent and letting people know who you are and who you’re not. Let people know what you stand for and what you stand against.
You can do things like offering some kind of results guarantee. This doesn’t work for every business. But having a guarantee like a 7-day or 14-day satisfaction guarantee on your signature program makes it a no-risk, no-brainer.
If you’re a service provider like a coach, consultant, personal trainer, psychologist or someone who sells a service, people are buying something invisible – something they can’t see or touch initially. So there has to be a lot of trust there, so if you can give something that takes away the risk, you’re taking away a major objection.
Also, be accessible. Put your contact details and offer phone calls for people who don’t have all their questions answered.
It’s really important that we build those trust factors, because we know that people need trust us, in order to take that next step with us.
The third thing we need to build trust is to be clear. This is all about your ability to communicate clearly what you do and who you help.
You need to get clear on your ideal client, their dreams, desires, fears and frustrations and be able to provide content that educates and inspires them.
You also need to be clear on your vision and mission, what you stand for and against, your business values and have a clear pathway to help people solve their problems.
When you combine the elements of know, like, and trust to your content and actions, magic happens.
You start to become more of an authority and you build a tribe of fiercely loyal clients. But results like these take time and effort. You need to put the work in, keep growing and never give up.
Do you have knowledge, skills and experience that can help people?
Would like to know exactly how to structure and organise your knowledge so you can get new clients fast?
I highly recommend you check out my upcoming online evening event, the Client Attraction Mastery Masterclass
This is our FINAL free masterclass of the year!
Do you want the best training on attracting your ideal, high ticket clients fast through strategies that work best right now?
I highly recommend you check out my upcoming online evening masterclass, the ‘Client Attraction Accelerator’.
This is our FINAL free masterclass of the year!
At This Free Live Online Event You Will:
It’s happening this Tuesday, the 15th of December, from 7pm to 9pm.
This is for you if you’re a coach or consultant or any type of practitioner or service based business owner and you know you’ve got the potential to help a lot more people and make a lot more money, then this is for you.
You’ll discover:
? How To Get 7 Clients In 7 Days, using a proven, step-by-step process (WITHOUT using any pushy or sleazy tactics)
? The 3 Powerful Client Attraction Methods that have people consistently asking “How can I work with you?” (without wasting money on ads)
? The Little-Known Content Creation Techniques that will adapt & transform your business in 2021, using my psychology-based influence hacks.
? A Simple Tool That Shows You INSTANTLY whether your target market is niched enough and if not, how to fix it.
? How To Map Out Your Ideal Client’s Journey so you can get people’s ATTENTION and connect with them authentically.
PLUS you’ll receive a BONUS GIFT for attending:
You’ll Get My Social Media Success Tool Kit Valued at $97 For Free!
With step-by-step guides and training on how to use social media to get new clients – ready for you to implement instantly!
So if you are sick of sitting behind your laptop, struggling and not knowing what to do and not knowing how to get clients, come and join us.
Client Attraction Accelerator Masterclass ?
➡ Tuesday December 15th 2020, 7:00pm – 9:00pm (AEDT)
You can read more or book in for free here
(Note: Spaces strictly limited and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Grab your ticket before it books out)
? You can read more or book in for free here
See you online soon!
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