Do you ever feel like you’ve just lost your 'OOMPH’?
Like you've dropped the ball, fallen off the wagon, lost your zing, left your zone - however you choose to phase it, I'm sure you know that feeling where you just feel ... like you don't have that same DRIVE that you had before.
Another word for 'oomph' could be 'mojo; (remember Austin Powers?)
"Mojo: A power that may seem magical and that allows someone to be very effective and successful"
Mojo seems magical, but it usually comes as a actually a result of taking specific actions. When you're in your mojo, your oomph, your zone, your POWER - things feel much more effortless ... and also more fun!
So here are 3 of my top tips to get your OOMPH back:
1. Be CRYSTAL clear on what you want
In his book 'Clarity', James Smart states:
“If a pond is clouded with mud, there’s nothing you can do to make the water clear. But when you allow the mud to settle, it will clear on its own, because clarity is the water’s natural state…
Clarity is your mind’s natural state.
As people allow their mud to settle, clarity emerges, and they discover they have what they need for the job at hand.
So... How does clarity work, and why do so many people struggle to find it?
It’s well known that outstanding leaders in every field, from Olympic medal-winners to visionary entrepreneurs, profit from the flow-states that a clear mind brings.
Why is clarity essential?
Many of the most desirable qualities people struggle to “develop”… are actually innate, emergent properties of an uncluttered mind.
These drive the results people desire.
Clarity is the source of high performance. It allows us to be present in the moment, and have an enjoyable experience of life...
As a result of getting clear, you’ll find that you start having
a) an effortlessly clear mind
b) more time for what’s important
c) improved decision making
d) better performance where it counts and
e) more of the results that matter to you.
Our mental clarity is under attack… And, as that attention gets gobbled up, our minds become over-revved, weary and congested.
Mental congestion results in time poverty, strained relationships, fumbled goals, poor performance and unrealised potential.
And mental congestion is expensive.
The painful cost to individuals in terms of anxiety, distraction and conflict has a devastating knock-on effect; the price people are paying for lack of clarity is astronomical.
As you start undoing the conditioning that’s been keeping you from clarity until now, and notice yourself experiencing a clear mind more and more frequently (with all the benefits it brings).”
Clarity is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.
What do you need to do to create more clarity for yourself today?
2. Eliminate opposing forces
In his blog, James Clear discusses eliminating opposing forces.
He talks how we all have an average speed that we tend to perform at in life.
“Your typical levels of productivity and efficiency are often a balance of the productive and unproductive forces in your life...
There are productive forces in our lives like focus, positivity and motivation.
There are also unproductive forces like stress, lack of sleep, and trying to juggle too many tasks at once. If we want to become more effective and more productive, then we have two choices.
The first option is to add more productive force.
This is the “power through it” option… Obviously, you can only do this for so long before you burn out, but for a brief moment the “power through it” strategy can work well.
The second option is to eliminate the opposing forces.
Simplify your life, learn to say no, change your environment, reduce the number of responsibilities that you take on, and otherwise eliminate the forces that are holding you back.
If you reduce the unproductive forces in your life, your productivity will glide forward naturally. It’s like you magically remove the hand that has been holding you back.
Most people try to power through and hammer their way past the barriers. The problem with this strategy is that you’re still dealing with the other force.
I find it to be much less stressful to cut out the opposing forces”
This is such a helpful way to look at it, and it tends to go against what many people in the fitness industry say. Just "harden up and get on with it" doesn't work for everyone.
Eliminating opposing forces / obstacles may mean adjusting how you spend your time.
This could be:
a. removing certain distractions
b. spending less time with certain people
c. avoiding certain environments
These things can make it easier on yourself to make the choices that will take you where you want to go.
For example:
* Do you struggle with craving sugar when you watch certain ads on TV, or look at certain posts on Instagram? Remove the obstacle - don't watch the ads and unfollow anyone who posts up photos of things that get you heading for the kitchen when you're not even hungry.
* Do you find it hard to say no to another piece of pizza when you're with certain friends, and you're trying to cut down? Remove the obstacle - meet them for a coffee instead
* Do you find yourself drinking too much when you go to certain places? Remove the obstacle - find a hobby you're passionate about that you can get stuck into instead
Much easier than trying to smash your way past the obstacles, especially if you're finding you're having to use a lot of willpower - or that you're giving in, then feeling crap about it.
Simply remove or reduce those things in your life that are in the way of you getting the body and health that you want. What could you start with, today?
Another great blog I came across is about how to have a productive active rest day. Helen Sanders discusses the importance of rest and provides some great tips on rest days.
3. Every day, ask yourself empowering questions
Empowering questions help us focus our mind on what's important.
They help our brain to focus on what we want - rather than what we don't want, which often comes as a result of asking ourselves disempowering questions, such as:
"What's wrong with me?"
"Why do I always sabotage?"
"Why can't I stick at anything?"
"It's not fair. Why me?"
When we ask these questions, our brain goes searching for an answer and usually finds it. It looks for all the evidence from the past to back up the question.
It can lead you feeling totally disempowered, weak and helpless.
Empowering questions on the other hand, encourage your brain to go to work to find all the many times that you HAVE been successful in your life.
Motivational speaker, Les Brown says "Every morning ask yourself 3 things - what's my attitude, my focus and my energy today"?
I believe asking yourself powerful questions in the morning can really set the tone for your whole day.
Some sample 30 second morning questions
- How else can I think bigger today?
- What's one thing I can improve in my life today?
- Who else can I help today?
- How can I better maximise my strengths?
Which ones appeal to you?
Or can you think of some other empowering questions to ask yourself daily?
Write at least one down and ask yourself it tomorrow morning and for the coming week. Write down the answers. You might be surprised with what you come up with!
I'd love to hear how it worked for you.
If you’d like to know more about how to achieve your health and fitness goals, please visit my services page here.
I also offer a 15 minute mini-session to help you strategise your action plan to take you closer to your health and body goals. Email me to book in:
I’d love to connect!
To your Health and Happiness,
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