In a world where trust is harder to find, and our ability to tune out messages is greater than ever…
…it’s important we have a more effective way to stand out, cut through the noise, and be noticed, for the right reasons.
There’s a lot of distrust online with fake news, pushiness, saturation, and interruptions. The amount of information that is being thrown at you is huge and this can sometimes become overwhelming.
It’s also really hard to know what is true and what isn’t – the genuine from the fake.
As a child, I used to play the game “Masterpiece” with my family. It’s a game about art and you take a card, which is a painting, and you match it together with a price.

What you see is an elegant front, but it’s really about what’s underneath.
The cards are then shuffled, a player takes a card and then tries to sell it by persuading the others that it is worth a great deal of money. It could be worth millions or not much at all, depending on if it is genuine or a fake.
What I learned from this game is what we see is an elegant front, but it’s really about what’s underneath. The cards are revealed and what’s fake and what’s genuine becomes known.
A forgery looks beautiful but ultimately, it didn’t come from the original painter.
It’s the same with content. Anyone can paint a pretty picture. Anyone can put out a blog post with other people’s intellectual property and claim it as their own.
It can look and sound really beautiful but is there a solid foundation underneath? You can come across really elegant … but is it just style are you sharing solid substance too?
The strength of true value needs to be underneath all that you do. You’re not copying what other people do but are presenting your original content, your genuine, authentic self.
You can have conviction and be confident in what you are sharing when it is your own brilliance. Drawing people to your foundation of authenticity makes the biggest difference when it comes to influence.
So let’s look at what elegant influence is NOT.
- It’s NOT trying to use persuasion tactics
- It’s NOT the words that you say
It’s NOT just about learning business skills
Now let’s look at what elegant influence IS.
- It IS how people feel when they are listening to you, watching your videos.
- It IS about personal character.
- It IS about who you’re being, who you are.
- It IS about working on yourself and not just about working on acquiring outward skills.
Have you ever met someone who has amazing business skills but not great people skills? They can be really smart and have a profitable business but you don’t sense any warmth from them at all.
Working on yourself and your own mindset is incredibly important to step into elegant influence.
Jim Rohn talks about having an “until mindset”. You keep going UNTIL it works.
When you make the decision to never give up on your dream, you are able to push through the disappointments and hardships and keep going.
You are able to see the money that you are spending on your own education as an investment in yourself, even before you see any of the money coming back.
I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t have regular coaching. My coaches call me higher and push me further with direction and clarity.
They help me work on my mindset so that I can be more of my authentic self and show up with elegant influence for you.
So how exactly do we use influence elegantly to attract clients and accelerate our business growth?
Here are 5 of the most powerful ways:
1. Be original
Others will know that you are not being original and not working in elegant influence.

So many people are copying other people.
They will know it’s not genuine because you may not be able to talk about it in a confident, certain, convicted way like you would if you came up with it yourself.
I’m not referring to ‘modeling’ – which is one of the fastest ways to grow your business.
Modeling is watching other businesses that are similar to yours and taking ideas, not content, and implementing them with your own voice.
Use your own voice by coming up with your own way of saying things.
Begin developing a method that is really unique to you. This is so incredibly powerful.
It does take a lot more work and it can be hard, but stepping out and doing the ‘hard things’ is an opportunity for big growth and productivity in your business.
When it comes to being original, I recommend having a “Cave Day” or a “Cave Hour”. What this looks like for me is walking in nature listening to audiobooks. As I get ideas, I write them down in my phone.
Being original means that you can use other people to inspire you and then come up with your own ways of expressing these ideas.
Some ideas for “Cave Time” are:
- Putting ear phones in for 30 mins a day
- Going to local cafe by yourself
- Reading a book for 30 mins a day
- Sitting in a quiet place for 30 mins a day and just allowing your mind to think and come up with creative ideas
The idea is to have a ‘blank piece of paper moment’ where you are pouring out all of your ideas onto the piece of paper, like a brainstorming session.
A great idea is to do this away from your laptop so you are not easily distracted. Ideally, be in a quiet place, without distractions, allows your mind to get creative and invites ideas to flow freely to you.

Often when something is hard, your competitors aren’t doing it.
2. Be Professional
Many people don’t set themselves up to win by not looking professional or speaking professionally.
It’s not about perfectionism – it’s about professionalism.
I don’t strive for perfectionism, I strive for excellence. I strive to be outstanding. I strive to be polished and do the best job I can at communicating my value.
This doesn’t mean that I haven’t made massive mistakes. If I wasn’t willing to fail, to show up and do things badly, and launch so many products and services, I wouldn’t keep showing up consistently now.
Showing up, no matter what is having an entrepreneurial mindset.
It’s so important to get out there BEFORE you feel ready. You can make the commitment to do the best that you possibly can
Some ways to do this are:
- By having a great Zoom background
- Always looking your best
- Taking the time to craft a great post instead of rushing to get ‘something’ out there – quality is so important
This is a gift to your community when you’re engaging with them and you’re not distracted by your surroundings or what you look like when you’re presenting.
3. Be Soulful
Being soulful is about connecting to things that are outside of status, power, and money. This means tapping into something that is bigger than yourself.
Think about why it is so important to you to get that message out to your community, beyond making money.
Create content from a place of wanting to serve, being influential, being a thought leader… to challenge the status quo and not just talk from a practical level.
When you can show up and speak from your heart, and not be self-conscious but share your soulful message, people will pick up on that and it’s very attractive.

It’s like the Masterpiece game – it’s not just a beautiful painting, it’s not style without substance … it’s soulful.
It’s being professional and being elegant, but it’s also about having that deeper mission, that deeper ‘why’.
4. Be Specific
I look at some content and at times it can be quite vague. Clarity is very important.
Clarity very rarely comes upfront. Clarity comes along the journey.
Great impact isn’t made when you’re not being really specific. There is such a saturation online now so if you want to gain and hold people’s attention, you have to be specific.
Think about your website, your social media profiles, your comments that you’re putting online.
Are you speaking very specifically and directly to your dream client? Or are you trying to be everything to everyone?
When your dream client comes to you, it’s so important that they know exactly what you do and know why you’re unique.
They want you to know that you ‘get them’ and you do this by speaking to them very specifically. This is how you gain connection and influence.
We’re all hungry for people who speak our language. To be an effective influencer, you want to be an interpreter of your dream client’s journey.
You have already been through the journey with its road bumps and obstacles, and you successfully navigated that terrain so now you’re their guide.
You’re there to interpret a very specific journey for other people.
5. Be Brave
It’s important to stand FOR something and stand AGAINST something if you want to be influential.

Influence is motivating and inspiring someone to take a new action to improve their life.
In order for them to move on that new action, they need to change their thinking, their perspective on their situation, and about themselves.
To help them create a new perspective, a new belief, you can inspire them and not be wishy-washy.
Your message needs to be bold and brave … and not everyone is going to like it. And that’s totally OK.
Marketing is about attracting some people and repelling others.
You are to be really firm in who you are, in what you believe and what you don’t believe, and then you get your dream people into your community … and life is super exciting.
These are the 5 things I recommend you focus on to get more clients using the art of elegant influence
They will help you to connect better with your ideal clients and you’ll be able to attract more of the right people into your business.
What this ultimately means for you is that you can help more people, make a bigger difference in the world, create the impact that you’re here to make, have a profitable business doing what you love …
… and have greater fulfillment in your life.
P.S Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 other ways I can help you grow your business:
1. Grab a free copy of my ‘Client Attraction Checklist‘
It’s a powerful roadmap to attracting leads, signing clients, and scaling your coaching business. — Grab It Here
2. Join the community and connect with like-minded Coaches & Experts
It’s our Facebook community where ambitious entrepreneurs learn how to increase their income, influence, and impact. — Join Us Here
3. Work with me privately
If you’d like to work directly with me … just send me a Facebook Message with the word “Private”… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details! — Message Here
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