Would you like to increase your confidence, particularly when you’re speaking to a group of people in person or on video? In this article I share 3 specific things you can do to move from FEAR to CONFIDENCE. These are 3 light bulb moments that I had that helped me to overcome my fear of public…
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What’s Your Greatest Accomplishment?’
Recently a good friend asked me, ‘Kat, what’s your greatest accomplishment?’ The answer that came to me was this. My greatest accomplishment has been the lesson that there is more to life than achievements. Like so many women, I’ve spent much of my life on diets and obsessing over what I looked like. While living…
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2016 Reflection
Can you believe it’s nearly the end of the year already? It’s a pretty crazy time of year for a lot of people. I like spending time in December reflecting on the year that’s been and everything that I’ve achieved, learned or done. I find it a really fun and enjoyable process to do before looking ahead. Reflecting on our past can…
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Why Your Thinking Can Stop You Hitting Your Goals – Part 3
I truly believe that our thinking is the number one thing that we need to work on when it comes to us hitting our goals. This article series offers 3 Powerful Strategies to use our thinking to our advantage. In Part 1 of this article series, I talked about how to utilise the power of focus. In Part…
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Why Your Thinking Can Stop You Hitting Your Goals – Part 2
In Part 1 of this article series, I talked about the difference between those who come unstuck in achieving their goals, and those who achieve them. I truly believe that our thinking is the number one thing that we need to work on when it comes to us hitting our goals. This article series offers 3 Powerful Strategies…
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