Do you find it disappointing when you take time to craft a piece of content, but it seems to do nothing?
Do you wonder how to get your content noticed more online?
There’s a big difference between content that people click ‘like’ on and content that is noticed, talked about, remembered, and most importantly, inspires people to take action.⠀
With people now more overwhelmed with options than ever, there’s one content approach that guarantees you get clients from your content more than anything else.
The skill of influence.
A lot of people create content. But not a lot of people know how to be influential with their content. And they end up frustrated when their content doesn’t convert.
Without knowing how to create content that is influential, your content doesn’t usually convert to paid clients.
Creating influential content is an essential business skill that many business owners don’t know how to do well. But when you know how to do it, you get more clients from your posts, web pages, and emails.
You start to enjoy creating content more and reap the benefits of people responding to your content.
Want to finally stop the frustration of wondering where your clients are going to come from, and get new clients PREDICTABLY?
In this blog, I share with you ‘Five Essentials for Creating Content That Converts Into Clients’, and how you can create content that not only gets likes but content that actually converts into clients.
It’s always about building relationships and building trust. It’s not sales media – it’s social media.
So it’s really important that you know exactly how to approach social media as a business person, as a way to grow your business to actually get paying clients.
There are so many parts to creating content.
There’s the whole strategy. There’s how to make it work with the algorithms and where to put your content.
There are some crucial ingredients that need to go into your posts, on social, and into your emails – both written content or video content.
I recommend that you do both written content and video content. If you can do both, you’re giving yourself a much better chance of attracting more clients.
You probably find it disappointing when you take your time to craft a piece of content, whether it’s a blog, a post, an email, a social media caption, or a video script, and you take your time to craft it …
… and it just kind of seems to do nothing.
You begin wondering…
“How do I get people to take notice? How do I get eyeballs on my content? How do I get attention?“
“Once I’ve got someone’s attention, how do I maintain attention and get them to take action on the call to action that’s at the end of the content?” …
… because your content pieces should all have a call to action.
Your content pieces should all have a call to action.
And by that I mean they should invite someone to the next step.
There are multiple calls to action you can use. It could be inviting them to a masterclass. It could be that you invite them to a free resource that you’ve created as a way of building your email list.
You can build your audience by giving them something valuable.
Because there is so much free information, people aren’t going to pay for things like they used to so you’ve got to be giving a lot of really great free content.
But how do we also equate that into money coming into your bank account?
From the movie, “Field of Dreams” starring Kevin Costner, comes the saying, “If you build it, they will come.”
But that doesn’t work anymore. We need to know how to invite people to what we offer.
With all the wealth of information online, you have to think strategically about how you can capture the eyes, minds, and hearts of the people that are watching you.
This is an essential skill that you need as a business owner.
And if you don’t know how to do it, you’re going to struggle to get clients from your price, from your web pages, from your emails, and from your videos.
When you know how to do it, you will actually find that you will enjoy content creation more, you’ll want to do more of it because you’ll actually be reaping the benefits of it – you’ll see people responding to your content.
So if you want to get more clients predictively, learning how to create influential content is the key.
Here are five things to put into your content to make it stand out from the crowd so that people will respond to it.
There’s really not any market out there that isn’t crowded, but with these inclusions in your content, you can start breaking through some of the clutter and generate new clients for yourself and your business.
1. Show you understand them
The first thing that your content needs to do in order to be influential, to grab, hook, maintain attention, and to inspire action, is your content needs to show you understand the reader or the viewer.
When someone comes across your piece of content, the first thing that you’ve got to do is show them that you ‘get them’.
You want your people thinking,
“Wow, they get me!”
You want them to be thinking, “Wow, he gets me” or “Wow, she gets me”.
I like to describe it as getting into the hole with someone. They’re struggling in some area of life that you can fix.
That’s what your service offers.
You can help them with the problem that they have, whether that’s their health, their finances, their relationships, their mindset, some area of their life where they have a problem.
Most people are walking around thinking about their problems so you want to join them in that conversation.
Now, you can do this by grabbing their attention by using the word “you” a lot.
Using the word “you” is really helpful, especially right at the top of the post, and then in the video.
You want to show throughout their experience that you really can relate to them.
You mee them at their problem: whether you paint out a scenario or a scene like a movie does.
There’s usually a challenge and the hero needs to go through a journey, and there’s usually a guide that helps them.
So you want to meet them at that point of challenge because that’s what most people are thinking about.
They’re not thinking about fulfilling their potential or living their dream life yet so you’re going to show that you understand them first.
You need to really be feeling their pain, or really resonating with them.
To really connect with people’s pain and be very descriptive with it, you might describe a scenario or the actual symptoms of what they’re going through.
You can be really very specific and show them that you really understand them because you’ve walked the journey too. You are now further along and you’re now becoming what I call the interpreter of that journey for someone else.
Imagine that the person is stuck in a maze. You’ve already walked through this maze, come out the other side, and now you’ve become the guide.
They’re the hero and you’re the guide, and so you become an interpreter of the world.
2. Highlight the gap
There’s a gap between where they are and where they want to be.
You need to show them the gap and remind them why they’re here, and what life is like on the other side.
When you highlight their gap, people realise what they need
What a lot of people do in their content is they just give tips, they just give ‘how to’ content but they’re not actually contracting the gap between the two worlds. They’re not bridging these two worlds.
For example, in this blog post, which is a piece of content, I’m sharing five essentials for creating content that converts, and creating high converting content is one part of creating content to attract clients.
So it’s one part of it. There are actually four ways, that I teach, to attract clients. Here I’m sharing a small part of it.
I’m sharing what you can put into your posts, but you still need to know what type of posts to create, how to apply these principles, what kind of calls to action to put in.
You also need to know how to create landing pages, automated systems, how to link these all together with your funnels, your website, and your payment system.
Also how to actually get people to book onto calls, get people to show up, and what kind of sales process to do.
What I just did there, was an example of highlighting the gap.
I shared with you one part but there are still many more parts to know.
We call it in marketing, ‘leaving people hungry’, because we show them what they don’t know, as opposed to just making them full.
You give value. You give great tips but you also show them that there are still other things that they need to do.
3. Create desire
Create a desire, a feeling of desire in someone’s body.
One of the biggest problems I see in people’s content is that they haven’t crafted the language in a way that builds this emotional desire in the person to want to take action, to want to take the next step.
When you move people emotionally, you are creating a little bit of tension and then relieving it. You’re getting them excited about the possibility of what’s possible for them.
There’s a saying in marketing to enter into the conversation that the customer is having in their mind. This is step one – showing you understand them. But we can’t stop there. We’ve got to show that we understand them.
You enter that conversation, you relate to them, you meet them where they’re at, and then you highlight the gap. You show them the reason that they have that problem.
You don’t just say, “Hey, are you frustrated with this? How are you struggling with that?” you actually start to unpack the reason that they have the problem in the first place.
You start to show them all these things that they don’t know and that they don’t realise by highlighting the gap.
But you can’t just leave them there… you have to then build a desire to actually want to close that gap.
If you think about the logical sequence: we meet them where they’re at right now, we show them we understand, and we start to highlight the gap.
Then we start to build a desire for them to want to close it.
There’s even more than just meeting them in the conversation they’re having in their head. It’s also meeting them in the conversation they’re having in their heart.
Meeting them in their heart and their emotions, helping them to actually feel something, and have that micro shift in their body, and ultimately create excitement, for the possibility of what we’re sharing with them what we’re talking about the way we’re giving them the benefits, we’re giving them the consequences if they don’t change.
The we started to build some excitement in someone removing them emotionally, people don’t usually have a desire to take action, just by pure logic.
It’s very rare that that will happen.
So in Step Four, we want to shift their perspective.
4. Shift their perspective
The next thing we need to do is shift their perspective.
If someone consumes your content and doesn’t see something differently – even a slight shift of perspective, they’re unlikely to take a new action.
In this step, we need to change their beliefs.
They come with a certain belief, and by the time they’ve got to the end of your content, they have an altered belief – either a whole brand new belief, or they’re seeing it with a slightly different perspective.
The stronger the shift, the more likely they are to take action.
Typically, you only want to shift one belief in your post.
So what I recommend you do is to write a list of beliefs that your ideal client has currently, and then write a list of beliefs that you want them to have.
For example, your ideal client really wants to lose weight but their belief is, diets don’t work or they need to exercise six times a week for 60 minutes.
They’ve got all these existing beliefs around what they need to do to lose weight but you’ve got a different method. You’ve got another way for them of looking at things.
What I do is write the information on a spreadsheet. I literally write the belief and then what I want them to believe instead.
Let’s say that they think they don’t have time for exercise. This might be one of their beliefs.
The belief you want them to have is that they don’t need to exercise for hours. They can exercise short and hard sets instead.
Or it could be that exercise for 20 minutes a day is actually less than point 5% of their time.
And so you’re having them shift their perspective that they don’t have time. This is shifting the belief to how they can make time because this is so important.
In order to do that, you’ve got to talk about the consequences of not doing it and talk about the benefits of doing it.
These are all things that make your content influential.
You shift their perspective. If someone consumes your content and doesn’t see something slightly different, they’re very unlikely to take a new action.
So if you want to move your audience to take action, you’ve got to shift something in their perspective.
This brings us to Step Five.
5. Inspire action
The most important thing your content needs to do is inspire action.
The call to action that you put into your content depends on a whole lot of different factors.
I’ve got a template of calls to action and when you should use each one, but here I’ll summarise and give you a little taste of it.
You want to ask, “How well does this person know me? How much trust is there?” because in order to build trust, you need time.
So if you’re running a Facebook ad, you’ve got to assume that the person doesn’t know you so you want your call to action to be an invitation for them to spend more time with you, so that they can learn to trust you.
Your call to action could be a free resource. But in that free resource, your goal is to get them to know you, like you, and trust you.
One way to build trust quickly is for them to see you on video.
It’s very hard to build trust just from reading and writing. You can do it but it typically takes a lot more content for them to get enough of a feel of what you are all about. Video is one of the fastest ways to build trust.
Now, obviously, on Facebook Lives, people jump in and out of these and it’s more challenging to maintain attention.
This is why I always recommend that you do some form of presentation where people register for the presentation where you share valuable content and then invite them to the next step at the end.
This is one of the most powerful calls to action that you can create.
You can also start to build your email list and get people into your Facebook group so just depending on how warm that person is, you want to inspire them on what to do next.
But the important thing to remember with your call to action is that social media doesn’t love you sending people off somewhere else. That means that Facebook doesn’t want you to send people off to your blog.
So if you include an external link in your post it’s not going to be shown to many people, so please remember to keep people on the platform.
You can get around this by inviting people to comment. Then you can direct message them with the link to share with them as you now have their permission to contact them.
That’s one little tip when it comes to inspiring people to take action.
So let’s do a quick review. If you were to do an audit on your content right now…
- Are you showing the reader or the viewer that you truly understand them?
2. Are you highlighting the gap between where they are and where they want to be, and positioning what you offer as the gap filler?
3. Are you creating a strong desire?
4. Are you shifting their perspective and showing them a different way of seeing things?
5. Are you inspiring them to take action?
Because if your content isn’t leading to clients, it’s very hard to build a profitable business that really helps people and really makes a big impact.
So if there’s one key point I want you to take away, it’s this.
When you know how to create influential content, your marketing becomes easier, faster, more enjoyable, and you can show up with more conviction, certainty, and confidence.
And that is going to attract more of your people, people that you can help, so knowing these influential principles is really powerful.
P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 other ways I can help you grow your coaching business:
1. Grab a free copy of my ‘Client Attraction Checklist‘
It’s a powerful roadmap to attracting leads, signing clients, and scaling your coaching business. — Grab It Here
2. Join the community and connect with Coaches who are also growing their business
It’s our Facebook community where ambitious Coaches learn to get more income, influence, and impact. — Join Us Here
3. Work with me privately
If you’d like to work directly with me … just send me a Facebook Message with the word “Private”… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details! — Message Here
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