We human beings are pretty masterful at throwing obstacles in front of us.
We usually do it to avoid hard things. Our brains are wired to avoid things outside of our comfort zone.
These obstacles we’re placing in the way are stopping our success. A lot of times in business, however, we don’t even realise we’re doing it.
We think the obstacle is truth… not a belief.
Profitable business owners don’t just do things differently than other people — they think differently than the people around them.
Over the years, I’ve spoken to thousands of people and heard a lot of reasons why they’re not sharing their expertise online consistently.
I’ve summarised these into the top 3 beliefs I’ve observed that may be delaying your success.
Limiting beliefs can keep you small and stuck – but they don’t have to. You can drop ALL the beliefs that are holding you back right now, with a bit of awareness.
The world’s most successful people have one thing in common: they’ve mastered the ability to produce the results they desire most. And it starts with our thinking.
Your brain is a wonderful tool so let it work for you and ditch those beliefs that will keep you from your success.
When it comes to stepping up as an expert, the first belief that many people have is:
1. They believe they’re not ready
A lot of people think that those who run events, speak onstage, are interviewed for magazines or on podcasts must be there because they have authority.
Thinking you have to be THE authority in their space before they get onto a platform and hold a microphone …
… is like putting the horse before the cart.
They wonder if they have to know more before they step onto a platform. This is not the way it works. You don’t have to be ready to step up.
You don’t need to have a website, a fancy logo, a certification before you are able to take action and get out there and share your knowledge online.
I’m not sure where we get the idea that someone needs to tell us that it’s ok to position ourselves as an expert in our topic.
A lot of people don’t put themselves out there because they allow fear to stop them in their tracks.

You don’t need to have success before you put yourself on a platform.
Successful people don’t wait to be selected. Successful people believe they can select themselves.
For example, my amazing friend Lisa is a phenomenal copywriter.
Lisa made a decision to take action and created a beautiful company, “Sacred Social Media”.
She stepped out and became fully booked and within 3 weeks, she was turning clients away.
She then put things in place – a Zoom account, a payment gateway, a website, etc. She started with social media, gained clients, and moved forward from there.
So can you.
“Once upon a time most people had to wait: to be accepted, to get funded, to be promoted–to somehow be ‘discovered,'” writes Dharmesh Shah, founder of CTO of Hubspot.
“Not anymore… You can do almost anything you have the desire and skills and drive to do; you don’t need to wait for someone else to discover your talents.
“You get to discover yourself. The only thing holding you back is your willingness to take the leap and try.”
Blame is all about being stuck focusing on you, rather than getting out there and being of service to people.
Knowing that you’re fully responsible for your success is one of the most important beliefs in business.
You have wisdom, experience, and knowledge right now that can take you to your next level, and you don’t have to wait to have all of your ducks lined up in a perfect row before you can do it.
You can help more people in a bigger way NOW!
New belief: “I’m Ready Already!”
2. They believe they can figure things out on their own
It’s easy to think, “I’m all alone, sitting behind my laptop, and I need to find all of the answers myself.”
It is tempting to think that running an online business is a solo venture.
After all, you can sit for hours, oftentimes by yourself, building and communicating through a computer screen.
It feels isolating but at the same time, a lot of people think that it’s the only way … that being “self-employed” means spending most of your time by yourself.
I promise you, nothing could be further from the truth.

“Self-employed” simply means being your own boss, not being by yourself
… and guess what?
The best corporate bosses in the world actually seek out contact with others — their peers, colleagues, employees, and clients.
That’s how they learn what’s working and what’s not in the way they run their company.
The business owners I know who are thriving, myself included, have mentors they trust and can turn to again and again.
Having mentors for different areas of your life is not only important but essential for your success, especially in business.
Mentors and coaches hold you to a higher standard. They hold your goals and potential high while you’re walking towards them.
It’s great to watch free webinars, listen to podcasts, and attend conferences but it’s important not to get stuck in over-consuming. You want to move from ‘consumer mode’ into ‘creator mode’.
The fastest way to accelerate your success is to work with someone who is doing what you want to do. Someone who has gone before you and is having success in their space.
The best of the best have mentors and advisors around them.
New belief: “No-one succeeds on their own.”
3. They believe they can succeed with just a few hours a day
The very first purchase you might think about making is to buy the most comfortable office chair possible.
They are expensive but you’ll be so grateful you did, because to grow a successful business, you’ll spend a ridiculous amount of time in it.
A good question to ask yourself is, “If I was working in someone’s company, what would I be fired for?”
If there was a video camera on you 24/7, what would you be fired for? For most people, 9 times out of 10 it’s laziness.
Will Smith said, “I’ve never really viewed myself as particularly talented. I’ve viewed myself as slightly above average in talent. And where I excel is a ridiculous, sickening, work ethic.”
There’s no easy way around it … you cannot rely on your talent alone. No matter how talented you are, your talent is going to fail you if you’re not skilled.
You need to put in the work and dedicate yourself to being better every single day.
Warren Buffet says, “I wake up in the morning thinking, “Today I want to be the best investor in the world.””
I know there is NO WAY that I would ever be fired from my company.
Your worthiness issues start to vanish when you know you’ve worked hard for something.

You can help more people, create a greater impact, gain more fulfilment in your life, and have a profitable business doing what you love.
There’s a reality to putting in the effort of 8 hours a day and making great money. Your self-worth problems start to disappear and no one can make you feel like you don’t deserve success.
Eventually, you can reduce the effort when your systems, marketing, and funnels are all set up and still continue to have success …
… but you have to do the effort first to show your brain that you’ve earned it.
New belief: “My work ethic is unfireable.”
When you believe:
1. I’m ready already
2. No one succeeds on their own
3. My work ethic is unfireable
… you can connect better with your ideal clients and you will attract more of the right people that you can help, into your business.
And what that ultimately means is that you can help more people, create a greater impact, gain more fulfillment in your life, and have a profitable business doing what you love.
Do you want help doing this so you can get more quality clients?
I work together with people in the following areas:
1) Creating compelling content that converts
You’ll craft the right language to attract your ideal client, so the right people can immediately see what you’re all about and that your program is right for them. We also makeover your existing marketing and online presence and make sure your offer is irresistible. I’ll help you uplevel your package for your stage in business and the stage that your ideal clients are at to create rock-solid certainty in your offer that people find it hard to say no to. We work together on your marketing campaign to get the right people to attend your presentation.
2) Creating automated marketing funnels
You will create your 24/7 marketing machine that sets up your launch for success. You don’t need to be a tech expert, every single step is laid out for you to effortlessly follow. You’ll learn my unique method to monetise your event before it even happens. You’ll know exactly how to increase your registrations and how to get people to show up live. Plus you’ll get my strategy for how to leverage the presentation afterward.
3) Creating profitable presentations
We use my proven ‘Profit From Presenting’ formula to craft an event that signs up truly ideal clients. You learn exactly how to structure your presentation to give yourself the highest possible chance of filling your program.
You’ll also learn how to deliver with confidence, what content to share and what to leave out to make it valuable, but also profitable. You’ll know how to keep people engaged right to the end and have people raving about your event and telling their friends about it.
There is the option to work either in a small group mastermind or 1-on-1 (very limited spaces for 1-on-1).
In order to be the best candidate to get results, you must have experience serving clients in your area of expertise and getting results.
You would also have a pretty clear idea of what problem you solve and who you enjoy helping the most.
You must also be willing to create content, either with writing and/or video, and sharing your knowledge about the topics you’re an expert in.
P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 other ways I can help you grow your coaching business:
1. Grab a free copy of my ‘Client Attraction Checklist‘
It’s a powerful roadmap to attracting leads, signing clients, and scaling your coaching business. — Grab It Here
2. Join the community and connect with Coaches who are also growing their business
It’s our Facebook community where ambitious Coaches learn to get more income, influence, and impact. — Join Us Here
3. Work with me privately
If you’d like to work directly with me … just send me a Facebook Message with the word “Private”… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details! — Message Here
I loved reading this post. It resonated with me deeply. In the past I have sought to succeed in my corporate career. I have asked to be paired with a mentor. I have raised my hand at analyzing systems and processes to improve the customer experience. In my own bsuiness I have recently understood I need a mentor to guide my planning and mentor to help me with marketing my message and services.
Thanks for sharing Maria, I’m glad to hear it resonated with you deeply. Mentorship is crucial to grow