Would you like to get more clients from your events?
There are a few keys I’ve discovered that have made a massive difference for me (and took me a long time to realise!)
When I first started running events, I shared incredible knowledge and gave so much value in my presentations.
The challenge was, I ended up over-teaching. I hadn’t learned how to design my presentation for both value AND conversion.
And then I was disappointed when I didn’t get clients.
My mentor kindly pointed out that I was leaving my audience FULL, not hungry.
I did this for yeeeears! And I didn’t realise that it was costing me – and the people I could have been helping.
The way to solve this is to provide amazing value that truly wows your audience, AND inspires the right people to buy. And you can absolutely do this without a cringey, pressure-filled sales pitch.
It’s a science and an art. I got to work learning how to hit the sweet spot in my presentations.
In this video, I share some of the insider secrets to keeping your audience hooked and the right people wanting more.
Engagement is such a crucial factor in running a successful event that people enjoy, offers value and inspires the right people to buy.
There is a strong connection between engagement and conversion.
If people don’t pay attention, it’s really hard to help them shift.
So, here are 3 ways to increase your engagement in your events:
1. Create Like A Coach
When you’re creating your presentation, think like a coach, who inspires and helps people. rather than a teacher.
Coaching is about helping and inspiring people, rather than overloading them with information. Great coaches think about transformation, not just information.
They ask powerful questions that get people thinking. By asking the right questions, you can help people get clarity and show them what to focus on.
It’s basically saying: “Here’s what I’ve struggled with and here’s what I’ve found helpful to solve it”.
Show people the reasons why they’re probably getting stuck. Help them to understand their specific gaps and blocks in the way of getting what they want.
Show them the mistakes that could be costing them and tools for how to avoid them.
Also, remember that people like to observe how you connect with people, not just how you share information. It gives them a taste of what it’s like to work with you.
And my personal favourite technique for engagement in your presentation is curiosity. Curiosity is the glue that sticks someone to your content.
Open loops in their mind to keep them leaning in. The best presenters will always keep their audience curious.
2. Use Well-thought-out Activities
Having activities throughout your presentation engages different parts of the brain. It helps people to start doing what they’re learning about.
Activities give people a sense of commitment and achievement.
Activities also create a sense of investment. This is one of Robert Caldini’s Principles of Influence – we feel compelled to be consistent with what we’ve said or done.
They’ve invested time and energy – so walking away without following through is harder.
People stay more engaged and pay attention and it makes your presentation less like a lecture and more like an experience.
3. Create Valuable Human Connection
People love to connect, so I suggest you set up your online event to encourage people to process and discuss the content.
This is why workshops are more effective and engaging than webinars. Because webinars by nature are typically someone talking at you.
Think about the difference between watching a video recording and attending a live event.
There’s a completely different energy and vibe.
Creating connection also encourages people to stay alert.
They ‘lean in’ to the content more because they know they’re going to discuss it.
Create a sense of community and belonging by making people feel part of a tribe they enjoy.
It also breaks up the monotony of sharing content and brings realness and aliveness.
Remember, people remember more about how you make them feel than the information you present.
This is part of my signature online events framework and one of the aspects I share about how to run successful online events that grow your business.
If you want to know how to fill your programs using online events, I’m sharing my best strategies at my upcoming free EXPRESS workshop:
‘How To Grow Your Coaching Business With Online Events’

I’m going into depth into my proven system that I’ve developed over the last decade of running over 400 events, to help you master the skill of running awesome events that people love and that signs up clients.
(even if you’ve never presented before and don’t know where to start!)
I’m sharing…
How To Create A High-Converting Presentation
In a way that builds desire, credibility, and trust and effectively dissolves objections.
How To Market Your Event To Attract The Right Audience
Even if you find marketing confusing or hard
How To Deliver An Engaging, High-Value Online Event That Gets Clients
To deliver a truly remarkable event experience that captivates your audience, creates engagement, connection, and trust, and effortlessly converts the right people into paying clients.
This workshop takes the best of what I’ve learnt and lays it all out in a simple formula.
I only run this workshop once a year.
So, if you’ve ever wanted a proven system that’s easy to follow to increase your income and help more people…
Then I think you’re going to absolutely LOVE this workshop.
Go here to check out the upcoming FREE Online Express Workshop
P.S.: Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 other ways I can help you grow your business:
1. Work with me to get more clients
If you’d like to work directly with me to get more clients… just send me a Message with the word “Clients”… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details.
2. Join our community and connect with like-minded Coaches & Experts
It’s our Facebook community where ambitious females entrepreneurs learn how to increase their income, influence, and impact.
3. Grab a FREE copy of my ‘Client Attraction Checklist’
This is a powerful roadmap to attracting leads, signing clients, and scaling your coaching business.
4. Check out my upcoming events and latest special offers here:
Big love
Kat xo
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