You might be thinking “Crush it in crisis? I’m still dealing with the uncertainty, let alone crushing it!”
I hear ya. So let me define what I mean by crush it.
Firstly, what ‘crushing it’ is NOT:
* Being insensitive about people’s current situation
* Profiteering from people’s struggles
* Focusing on your goals at all costs
What ‘crushing it’ IS:
* Thinking like a successful business owner and being brave as a leader in these uncertain times
* Making necessary pivots in your business methods, delivery, packaging and messaging
* Crushing your fears so you can grow in this challenging season (IF you want to!)
Journeying through a crisis time, especially one that’s completely new can create a range reactions.
Some of you want to stay in bed, pull a blanket over our heads and try to avoid what’s going on.
Many people have told me they are wondering at the moment…
“Should I be retreating back or pausing my business goals until all of this is over?”
This is fair to consider, since there is so much uncertainty at the moment.
Let’s acknowledge the fact that the way we need to do business now in this current economic climate is different.
Things have changed and for most of us, our business needs to change as well.
But if you want to crush it, I encourage you to step up, pivot your business where you need to – and jump into all the opportunities that are available you.
I believe that the world NEEDS us as authentic, heart-centred business owners to continue to operate our businesses…
…IF our products and services genuinely provide a REAL solution to a REAL problem.
The only way to do this is to keep offering our help to people who want and need what we offer.
Many people still WANT to buy what you’re offering.
People are not going out and spending money on entertainment, dining out, travel etc. And they’re at home online.
Many people still need your help. And people often don’t value what they don’t invest in.
People pay for what they truly want and need.
Despite the uncertain times we are living in, we can be absolutely certain about ONE thing at the moment…
…ONLINE is THE way.
We have NO choice BUT to be effective online if we want to survive in business.
Here are 5 skills you need to utilise in this time to make consistent money online:
Number 1: The Skill of Providing Value
Providing value is the Number 1 skill you need to have in business.
Value is not necessarily monetary value. It is not always about money changing hands, but it’s still an exchange.
It’s the value you are giving to those who invest in you, whether that is someone paying for your time or if it’s someone opt-in to an email.
What is it costing your ideal clients in their time, money, energy and attention? Are you giving value by being helpful and relevant?
Are you speaking directly to your ideal client, not just to the masses? Are you speaking to the people who you can really help with your level of mastery?
If you can show up and be genuine and give quality information, then you’re adding value. Remember quality, not quantity. This includes your free offers, and also your paid clients and those who are a part of your paid community.
Number 2: The Skill of Copywriting
The Number 2 skill you need at this time to make consistent money is the skill of copywriting and now is a really good time to learn this skill.
Copywriting is a very underrated skill and it affects your ability to influence people positively through your writing online.
All your Facebook ads, your blogs and captions need to be influencing, engaging and providing value. These are what help people take the next step towards you.
A good investment in the next 30 days is to consume copywriting education and focus on increasing your copywriting skills.
Number 3: The Skill of Presenting
The third skill you need is the ability to present. This could be presenting an offer to a one-on-one client on a phone call. It could be presenting on video, which is what we all need to be doing at the moment in this socially distanced world we are currently living in.
How good are you at your presentation skills and your ability to craft words, videos and webinars?
Number 4: The Skill of Marketing
The Number 4 skill we need to boost our business presence online is marketing. Marketing is your ability to attract clients through social media, blogs, emails and other platforms and channels.
At the moment we don’t have a lot of offline options, so online is where we need to shine.
Number 5: The Skill of Sales
Sales is your ability to get money into your bank account and to get people to pay you.
It doesn’t matter how amazing you are at providing value, at marketing and doing pretty posts or creating amazing pieces of content. If you can’t get someone to actually part with their money, then your business is going to fail.
Think about the above skills and give yourself a score from zero (meaning you’re really bad at these skills) or a 10 -which means you know you can’t get any better.
5 Actions You Can Take To Crush it in Business
Number 1: Cut Back on News and Social Media
I recommend you cut back on the news and social media that you are consuming.
Please stay informed, be healthy and know what’s going on and don’t put your head in the sand.
But check-in with yourself and be honest with yourself with how much time are you spending consuming media.
We need to be bringing inspiring, helpful and positive messages to our eyes and ears during this period.
If you’re digesting things that cause you to worry, drop your confidence or cause your mood to drop, then that’s a sign that you need to cut back and protect yourself.
Your confidence and emotional wellbeing is so important in business. It will make you or break you.
Number 2: Create Daily
Spend your time and energy on daily creation. Just show up and write, show up and practice your videos everyday.
When we create and produce during this crisis, we will crush it, because we’ll feel good about ourselves. We will feel purposeful as humans because we were designed to create.
Focus on quality, not quantity. It doesn’t mean going live on Facebook every day. It doesn’t mean writing a blog post every day either. It just means writing or speaking every day and focussing on improving your skills.
I recommend that you focus on video during this crisis season, because people are craving connection even though it’s through a screen.
Number 3: Get your Marketing Funnels Live
The Number 3 way to crush it in this crisis is to get your marketing funnels going live as soon as possible, even if they’re not perfect.
You might need to create a freebie like a downloadable guide or a cheat sheet.
Focus on making it relevant, helpful and VALUABLE – and get it up there and start building your email database.
This is one of the best ways for you to leverage your time and help more people.
Start running online events for people if you haven’t been doing that already. You know enough about your topic to help people right now.
Number 4: Focus on Getting ONE Thing Finished
I’ve talked to quite a few people this week who have started a lot of things and not finished them.
We need to develop blinkers and get the thing we started completed before we move on to the next challenge.
People don’t pay for a half built bridge. They pay for a FULLY built bridge.
Please don’t be tempted to start a book and then move on to starting a podcast, and then move on to a five-day challenge then a webinar. Finish one thing.
Focus and finish!
Number 5: Choose ONE skill to develop
Developing your online skills is one of the most valuable things you can do at the moment.
I recommend that for the next 30 days, focus on ONE of the 5 skills.
Or maybe you want to dive deep on one of the skills for 7 days. Consume all the books, articles and podcasts on that one skill.
Pick the skill that is your weakest link or the skill that’s most holding you back.
Remember, if your service is helping someone improve their life, then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t show up and offer it. And in fact, if you don’t, you can’t help anyone.
You’re improving people’s lives and it’s a value exchange, so do not feel guilty about offering what you offer – IF it’s ethical, authentic and genuinely helps people get a real result.
Remember, we don’t have a lot of certainty about a lot of things at the moment, but we do have certainty that business is now ONLINE.
If you haven’t got marketing funnels in place, then that is one of the most important things that I strongly recommend you focus on during this time, is creating a funnel.
Having a good marketing funnel gives you an ability to capture people and continue to nurture them and provide value and help them.
Due to the amount of people online during this time, we need to make sure that we stand out.
We also need to make sure that we get people away from our social media pages and onto our email lists. This gives us control of sending marketing material, nurturing and providing great value to people.
A marketing funnel is a series of steps that takes someone from being a stranger into a client. A marketing funnel is the number 1 asset you need to make money online.
If social media suddenly crashed and you didn’t have access to your friends and followers, how are you going to market yourself?
Your email database is one of THE most important assets in your business.
A funnel will help bring people into your email list and from there you can continue to market to them for weeks, months even years to come.
Building a marketing funnel and getting it live is one of the essentials for your business to survive and thrive in this crisis.
Want help creating your own funnel to attract more clients?
You can book a free 30-minute strategy session here
*First-time sessions
I’ll help you clarity your next steps to building your own, profit-producing marketing funnel, fast.
Looking forward to helping you get more clients online!
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