Have you ever been in a sales conversation where someone says, “I’ll get back to you” and you never heard from them again?
Or maybe you’ve been in one of those awkward pitch moments where you wanted to exit as fast as possible because you felt uncomfortable?
I’ve totally been there.
But with a few tweaks, that can be a thing of the past.
As coaches, we need the skill of being able to communicate our value in order to get more clients.
If you’re not getting a high conversion rate in your sales calls, if people take a lot of convincing, and are presenting a lot of objections…
…there are some missing elements.
Watch this video to find out how to fix this:

If you have a great offer but it’s still not selling, there’s one essential element to address – which is how YOU feel about your offer.
For people to become genuinely excited to work with you, you need to have a positive relationship with your offer. Because this flows out of you and shows up in your energy.
To have a good relationship with your offer you need conviction.
Having conviction means you have bullet-proof confidence in what you offer.
It’s having an unshakeable knowing; a certainty that your offer can get people results.
In order to increase your conviction about your offer, it’s important to work on your offer itself, as well as your mindset.
There are 8 essential elements I recommend go into an offer – and when you have all the elements of an irresistible offer…
…PLUS you have conviction, you’ll have more people excited to work with you and signing up for your offer.
Imagine if your offer was a complete no-brainer for your ideal client and you had rock-solid conviction when you presented it.
This is possible for you.
The best way to do this is to optimise your offer to make it IRRESISTIBLE so that your ideal client can’t refuse it.
When you have an irresistible offer…
• You stand out in the marketplace
• You want to have more sales conversations
• You have clarity on exactly what people will receive when they invest
• You have the crucial conviction you need to sell it
• More people will convert to clients – which equals more income, more impact and more freedom
Having an irresistible offer is one of the most important assets you can have in business.
And creating an offer where people clearly see the value (and don’t question the price!) is one of the most important things you can spend time on in your business.
I’m getting our Inner Circle community together next week on Zoom for a business growth

During the event, I’m guiding you through a process to optimise your offer – and we’ll be getting it DONE.
It’s a deep dive immersion so you know what needs to go into your offer and exactly how to sell it.
I’ve decided to open it up for a few select female coaches who need support at the moment to grow their business.
You’ll work on your offer in a supportive environment with expert guidance every step of the way.
You’ll be testing your offer with real live people.
And you’ll have practice sharing it with others and getting feedback.
So you feel good about sharing your offer, and have the confidence and conviction that you can sell it.
We’re also going to be having connection, hot seats, implementation sessions, Q&A, guest experts, prizes and action planning.
You can check out the
VIP Virtual Retreat and register for free here
I look forward to seeing you there!
Kat xo
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