Welcome 2022 – woohoooooo!

Good BYE 2021!
It’s been a year like no other and though we’ve all been impacted by COVID-19 lockdowns, restrictions, and effects differently, no one has been exempt from challenges.
Although nothing magically changes when we turn the pages in our calendar, I’m grateful that we have seasons and markers to help us process time into manageable chunks.
The promise and hope of a new year is an exciting feeling and a beautiful chance to reflect, reset and recharge.
Every year, before we turn the page and start a new chapter in a new year, I find it helpful to create an annual review.
A review can help you to look at your actions and results over the past 12 months and ask, “How well did my habits and choices help me live the life I want to live?”
It’s powerful to reflect on the past year to learn from the lessons and challenges before looking ahead and can help us when we’re planning our new year.
And it’s a fun and enjoyable process and way to celebrate!
I go through my calendar and photos from the last 12 months to see the things I did in the year.
My yearly review answers these three questions:
- What went well and what did I achieve? (in business, development, habits, and fun)
- What didn’t go so well?
- What did I learn?
This is my review of 2021…
What went well/what I achieved:
My word for this year was fruitfulness. And based on that intention, the year has certainly been fruitful in so many ways.
I worked REALLY hard – on my business, and on myself.
Here are some highlights:
- Ran 48 group coaching calls for my Inner Circle program members
- Hired another assistant
- Ran 8 events
- Was an invited guest at 7 events
- Built the Amplify Your Influence Facebook group to 1,118 members
- Delivered 48 Facebook Live videos
- Had a freakin’ awesome time, despite seeing waaaaay too much of the inside walls of my office 😉

- Listened to 16 books
- Signed up for lifetime access to the Doers Way Inner Circle business program
- Did 12 months as a HerBusiness Network Member
- Joined the SheMentors Business Community
- Attended 2x 2-day ‘Doers Weekend Away’ Retreats
- Attended Authentic Education’s courses:
– Difference-Maker Accelerator
– Inspire To Buy
– Present Like a Pro
– Accelerated Coaching Certification
– Success Automation - Signed up to the biggest business investement I’ve ever made – a high-level mentorship for 2022 called Black Belt, with Taki Moore
- Received coaching every week
- Was featured in Yahoo Finance as a top 10 Female Business Coach
- Shared regular social media posts – 173 posts on Instagram
- Ran a weekly mastermind group call and Facebook live video
- Holidayed at Port Stephens, Blue Mountains, Kiama and Orange
- Did 207 workouts
- Took lots of sunset photos
- Had some really fun social events (next year would love a lot more!)
- Met some great new friends
- Went on a lot of bike rides and nature hikes
- A studio opened up the road where I can play the drums, woop!
- Bought myself lots of new fabulous clothes, expensive sheets and a massage chair

What didn’t go so well:
- I didn’t prioritise my strength and fitness as much as I would have liked (gym closing for 14 weeks didn’t help… but noooo excuses!)
- I spent too much time on my laptop (bit of a pattern I need to break!)
- I didn’t take enough enough time off business
And I went through some really tough experiences, including 2 surgeries for skin cancer, a break-up, and ended up in hospital after passing out (during a zoom session!).
What I learned:
The power of support
Having constant, loving support is crucial.
We can get through anything with the right people around us.
With so much isolating and staying home, I realised that I need to be more intentional now to make plans to meet people in person as it’s so essential for mental and emotional wellbeing.
The power of planning
It’s been a huge year of growth for me but at times it was at the expense of mental rest and recovery. I didn’t allow enough breathing room and margin between projects.
I need to rest my brain more to allow for more creativity and emotional wellbeing. I also need to create more white space in my calendar and planning better.
In 2022, I’m going to spend longer on my quarterly holidays reviewing and making a better plan for the coming quarter.
The power of feeling your feelings
I’ve learned so much this year about how to be adaptable when there is extra pressure, change, and unknowns.
I’ve worked on my ability to make decisions fast, be flexible and take action on the things that matter.
I realised that the years of working on the inner realm with mindset and personal development prepared me to get through the challenges.
I did deep healing work, and didn’t get stuck in looking back or lamenting, just kept taking action.
If we want to succeed, we need to get ourselves into growth environments, create our own opportunities, and step up and take inspired action…so that our people can connect with us and transform their lives.
Overall, I’m very happy with the progress I made in 2021. I grew and produced a lot and my capacity has really increased.
I highly recommend the activity of writing a review. It’s really insightful and enjoyable. Feel free to use this annual review as a guideline to write your own.
How did you learn and grow in 2021?
I’d love to read yours!
Please tag me in if you share yours on social so I can celebrate your year too!
Want to accelerate your business in 2022?
Is 2022 is the year to finally let go of what’s holding you back, and create the business you dream of?
If you want support to attract dream clients and grow your business more than you ever have before, without the hustle and grind, I’m offering a free 45-minute business strategy session.
Apply here for your free 2022 business strategy

Apply here for your free 2022 business strategy
Have an AWESOME New Year!
Stay safe and well, see you on the other side in 2022!
Love Kat
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