Are you tired of feeling like you have to be LOUDER online in order to be noticed?
Or have to post CONSTANTLY so you don’t get left behind?
Do you cringe at the thought of coming across as pushy, high-pressure, or desperate in your marketing?
I get it. No one wants to feel like that.
If you want to know how to attract more clients in a way that feels authentic and aligned with your values…
In this article and video, I share my top tips for attracting clients in a way that feels good to you – and doesn’t require you to ‘shout more’ to stand out.
I’ll show you how to build trust with potential clients online and create genuine connections in a way that isn’t pushy or salesy.
You’ll feel great about showing up, knowing you never have to compromise your values or your integrity to get ahead.
No feeling like you’re chasing after clients. Attract the right clients to you naturally and elegantly.
I’ve been talking to a lot of female coaches about marketing lately.
I’ve realised that a lot of people aren’t marketing to the level they could be because there’s a fear of being someone that you’re not.
There is a lot of marketing out there where you walk away feeling gross.
You can feel like a number.
You can feel like they’re using these tactics on you to manipulate you.
Think of some of the tactics that you hate being used on you.
It feels like they’re not on your side.
What do we do instead?
You can check out the video here…

Here are 5 things
1. Model, don’t copy
I always encourage my clients to model the people that are doing what they want to do but at a much higher level. We all have three to five people that we’re following that we look up to that are very successful in their space.
We look at the Facebook ads Library and create swipe files and research, but we do not copy because if you copy, that will feel really inauthentic like copy-paste marketing.
What we want to be doing is marketing that looks at what other people are doing and says okay I can get some ideas here that I can tweak and model.
I’m going to trust my amazing brain to come up with creativity that’s uniquely mine. We do not want to use the same language that everyone else is using.
Don’t spend too long looking at your competitors. Please don’t spend too much time consuming because otherwise it’s almost like saying to your brain I don’t need you to come up with original ideas because I’ll just Google it.
We’ve got to be careful when we’re using tools like ChatGBT that we’re not just letting a robot think for us nothing will ever replace the amazing human brain
2. Show That We Get Them
With all of our marketing, we need to show people that we get them. Show them that we understand them. The way that we do this is to spend a lot of time with our ideal clients.
The only reason that I can market so well is because I hang out with my ideal clients all the time.
I’ve been coaching for so long that the conversations the patterns the real-life people that I’m working with are driving my copywriting.
Someone will say to me I’m struggling with this and it’ll be on my mind and then when I’m writing a piece of content it comes through quite organically.
If we’re trying to have an evergreen business where we’re not having any touch points with people consistently how are we ever going to understand people what their pain points are.
What their desires are. What the benefits are of the solutions that we provide. We’ve got to show that in our marketing and then it becomes really fun and creative.
We enter the conversation happening in their head. We show them that we relate and we also enter the conversation happening in their heart.
We show that we get how they feel and we show them a process to help them walk out of the pain and into the game
3. Reframe Marketing as coaching
This is how you fall in love with coaching.
Think about why you love being a coach – love helping people – seeing people get breakthroughs, have lightbulb moments.
That can happen in your marketing.
I remember working with Jackie Moore who used to say – your marketing will make more of an impact than your coaching will.
When you think about how many people your marketing can reach. Marketing is coaching – marketing is shifting beliefs.
That’s what we do as coaches. We help people shift their perspective.
Marketing can be fun and creative. It’s a playground to play in, where we think “How can I help them shift that limiting belief?”
If you see it in that way, then you won’t resist marketing so much.
It means you’ll sign even more aligned clients, because they resonate even more with you.
“Enter the conversation already taking place in the customer’s heart”
– Aaron Orendorff (copywriter)
4. Develop trust
There are a few things that help you develop I’m giving you the 3 E’s.
1. Evidence
When we give evidence that our system our way of doing things works it brings a lot of ease into people’s minds. We want to make sure that we give evidence of people that we’ve worked with.
Statistics, facts, and data are ways of showing that what we’re talking about has proof it’s got legs behind it. You’re not just saying you need to do this but you’re actually giving evidence
2. Experience
What is your experience when it comes to this area? Any of us can just spout off theory but what is your personal experience?
No one can argue with your stories because they’re your stories. If you insert stories about your own personal experience this is going to build more trust.
3. Education
We can develop trust when we educate people. This is what this video is doing. It’s educating on the different things that you can do to make sure that your marketing feels like you.
It feels aligned to you that’s the education piece. When you use these three E’s people feel safe with you they feel like they trust you.
Remember people need to feel like they know you, they like you and they trust you and those three E’s really bring it to life.
I know that when I’ve been working with clients before some of them have just been missing this piece of trust. They haven’t been actually showing social proof enough they haven’t been giving case studies or testimonials.
That is one of the most important things you can do to build trust in someone.
5. Be relatable, vulnerable, and human
At my recent workshop I talked about how adding humanness is a massive factor in what gets more clients
You don’t need to convince people if they like you and trust you.
if you don’t have that level of humanness where you’re just enjoyable to be with. Where people feel like I’m actually going to really enjoy working with her.
It’s not going to be heavy and hard. She’s not going to make me feel like I’m not good enough. She’s going to make me feel comfortable. I’m going to feel safe.
You want to do that marketing that feels human. That makes you feel good that you put it up and you’re proud of it because it’s got you infused in it.
It doesn’t feel like oh my gosh I’m going to put out this offer and I feel like it’s just a bit embarrassing because it just feels really pitchy.
Be so proud of your marketing because you know it’s you. It’s infused with you. This is often showing that you really get them by showing that you’ve journeyed the journey.
Keep sharing, keep shining, the world needs your words.
Love Kat xo
P.S. If you know it’s time to start making the impact you’re here to make and the income you deserve, in my upcoming workshop, “How To Get Coaching Clients With Easy Marketing” I show you exactly how to get clients – fast and consistently.
I do NOT hold back on value.
I’m sharing:
✨ How to stand out online so you can get found by more soul-mate clients
✨ How to easily grow your audience with the right people who LOVE what you share
✨ How to get people to consume your content
✨ How to build MASSIVE trust with your community
✨ How to get booked with clients fast, in a way that’s FUN!
I’m offering limited tickets for FREE.
Get yours here: “How To Get Coaching Clients With Easy Marketing”
P.S Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 other ways I can help you grow your business:
1. Grab a free copy of my ‘Client Attraction Checklist‘
It’s a powerful roadmap to attracting leads, signing clients, and scaling your coaching business. — Grab It Here
2. Join the community and connect with like-minded Coaches & Experts
It’s our Facebook community where ambitious entrepreneurs learn how to increase their income, influence, and impact. — Join Us Here
3. Work with me to get more clients
If you’d like to work directly with me to get more clients… just send me a Facebook Message with the word “Clients”… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details — Message Here
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