I was chatting to my friend the other day about when we first started out as coaches.
We literally had no idea how to get clients online.
We guessed, and we experimented, and we fumbled around…
…then we FINALLY got help. And we got there.
And the difference between knowing how to get clients & not… is like night and day.
We never have to ask anymore “How do I get clients?”.
We never have to question whether we’ve made the right decision to work for ourselves.
We never have to worry about how to make money.
And the coolest thing is that we NEVER have to consider looking on a job site to get a job to pay our bills ever again.
Because we’ve learned the skills to provide for ourselves.
That to me is true freedom.
And I know exactly what it feels like not to have that. It’s tough.
I couldn’t have an authentic relationship with myself knowing that freedom is my highest value… & not prioritise creating financial, mental, emotional, & lifestyle freedom.
When I didn’t know how to get clients, I lived in this underlying state of chronic stress about how to make money.
And even though I’m a positive person, when you don’t know how you’re going to pay your rent, it can do that to you…
I’m a single woman and I live on my own, and knowing I can provide for myself because I’ve learned the skills is invaluable.
It’s the greatest gift I’ve ever given myself.
It means my energy is no longer consumed with constantly trying to figure out HOW to make money.
My energy now goes into thinking about how to better serve people.
You can watch the video here:
The biggest question I get asked by people about business is “How do I get clients?”
The method I’ve been using for years is through events. It’s where I get most of my clients.
There are 3 parts to never having to ask yourself how to get clients again…
1. Knowing what to do
2. Knowing how to do it
3. Doing it over and over again so you master it
If you’re willing to not only learn how to do it but ACTUALLY do it over and over again so you improve on it, THEN you’ll have an incredibly valuable asset.
People kept asking me to share how I did it, so in 2016, I decided to teach it by running a workshop.
Prior to this I worked as a personal trainer in a gym in London in 2011. I’d just moved countries and I was building my client database from scratch.
When the gym opened in the mornings, the trainers would stand at the side of the workout area, waiting for people to come in that they could prospect.
With the way they approached people… I remember it felt like they were a pack of animals waiting to ‘pounce’ on their victims.
I was used to getting clients without having to do those kinds of techniques.
Starting a business from scratch in another country was scary and I didn’t want to compromise my values in order to ‘make it’ in such a competitive environment.
Connection is such a high value for me in business and I never wanted to be seen as a desperate, pushy salesperson who interrupted people…
…and be someone that people avoided every time they saw me.
I wanted to differentiate myself from the others who were using the methods that didn’t feel right to me.
So one of the first things I did when I started working there was to run an event.
This method had worked so well for me in the past when I was building my business in NZ. It allowed me to become booked out with clients quickly.
When I moved to Sydney, I also used the same event marketing strategy to fill my calendar with clients.
For me, it’s how I’ve always gotten clients’ consistently.
In 2016, when I changed my niche to work with business owners, I decided I wanted to use online events to get clients.
A lot of people know online events as traditional webinars. Most of the typical webinars felt cheesy, hypey and salesy to me.
I never wanted to just deliver a big long monologue and try and sell stuff. That didn’t align with me and I didn’t want a bar of it.
I value relationships and I wanted to create more opportunities for people to have connection in community.
I wanted to involve people in the learning more, so they could better retain the information and process what they were hearing.
I also wanted to help people take action on the content, not just sit and listen passively.
Or leave with a to-do list that was overwhelming or confusing.
It’s important to me that people always leave with key takeaways and actionable steps.
So I decided to build these things into my events, and people loved it.
When I think back over the last 10+ years of running events, I realised that what I was doing wasn’t just webinars or seminars, they were actually workshops.
Workshops are more intimate and personalised.
They’re more effective in getting results.
They’re more fun.
And more transformational.
And this is one of the reasons why people keep coming back to my workshops over and over again.
So if you’re the kind of person who values connection… taking action… and providing massive value…
…while also signing amazing clients into your business
…workshops are THE way to go.
And I have some exciting news today.
I’ve been busy behind the scenes preparing a 1-day workshop to teach you exactly how to create workshops that get you clients fast.
“How To Get Clients With Online Workshops” gives you a step-by-step formula for planning, presenting, and promoting fun, engaging, and successful online workshops.
(even if you’re not confident presenting or you’re new to running online workshops).
This powerful 1-day online workshop takes the best of what I’ve learned from running 300+ events and lays it all out in a simple system.
This workshop is perfect for anyone wanting to attract more clients faster, and more effectively.
I haven’t run this workshop for 2 years and I’ve learned even more during that time about what works best in this current environment, so this is going to be even more valuable.
I’m showing you the best structure and strategy that works so that the workshop actually gets you clients.
So if you’ve ever wanted to share your message with MORE people and with less stress…
Or if you’ve ever wanted a proven system that’s easy to follow to increase your income and help more people…
Then I think you’re going to absolutely LOVE How To Get Clients With Online Workshops
It’s limited to 30 seats only

Why this event is different from other events you’ve attended…
- It’s PACKED with Valuable, Tangible Tools & Strategies You Can Apply Straight Away to create FAST and lasting changes. It is NOT a pitch-fest. It offers tried-and-tested techniques that WORK and ENDS the confusion.
- It’s About Action: It’s not about just sitting and listening. Throughout the day, you’ll start implementing what you’re learning. You’ll be guided through the clear steps you need to create your own workshop plan, and walk away with key takeaways and clear actionable steps.
- It’s Designed Specifically For Women: As women, most of us process and absorb information differently to most men. We typically need more time to express and connect over what we’re hearing to bring it to life for us. This workshop includes plenty of time to connect, ask questions, and discuss what you’re learning, so you retain it better.
- Access To A Wealth Of Experience: It’s Being Presented By ‘Amplify Your Influence’ Expert Kat Millar, who has 18 years of experience in business and has helped completely transform the businesses and lives of thousands of individuals.
- It’s A Personal & Intimate Environment: This workshop is limited to just 30 people to create a more personal and intimate space. This more effectively maximises your learning experience and allows for a tailored approach, and more of your specific questions to be answered.
Check out How To Get Clients With Online Workshops
Until next time, keep showing up and sharing your message because the world needs it.
Big love, see you soon
Kat xo
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