Would you like to talk about what you love with groups of people & make a real impact in people’s lives?
But do you ever find yourself avoiding showing up?
If you’ve ever felt hesitant to step into the spotlight in a bigger way, you’re not alone.
In this video, I share ‘How To Overcome Your Biggest Mindset Blocks To Running Online Events (And massively accelerate your business growth)’.
Watch the video here:
As someone who’s struggled a lot with doubt, insecurities & fear, I understand.
Over the years, I’ve discovered that even if we have the right strategy, we are still left with our mindset blocks.
These blocks are often unconscious and we don’t even realise that they’re actually stopping us.
They’re not always in our face because we’re just getting on with our life, but they actually do cause us to avoid our next level of growth and success.
These blocks could be sabotaging your success & causing you to miss opportunities to speak to more audiences, get more clients, & make a bigger impact in people’s lives.
It took me years of hearing the same message over & over before it really sunk in that I needed to overcome my mindset blocks in the way of me stepping up.
Running events can open so many doors of possibilities for you.
They are the key to rapidly getting high-quality clients consistently, growing your audience, & creating a successful & impactful coaching business.
But despite the immense potential of events, a lot of people find themselves paralysed by fear & uncertainty about how to make them work.
Conquering these blocks could be the key that opens the door to the success you want in your business & life.
I’ve identified 3 major mindset blocks that most people face when it comes to running online events:
1. Fear of Failure
I don’t want to invest all this time and it be a waste
I don’t think it will work
What if no-one comes?
What if no-one wants my offer?
2. Fear of Judgment
What if I look silly…
What if I stuff it up?
What if I get criticised?
What if people think it’s/I’m not good enough?
3. Fear of incapability
It’s too hard for me
I’m not confident enough
It’s too overwhelming
It feels too confronting for me
Am I even cut out for this?
It’s too complicated
I don’t have enough time or energy…
These mindset blocks stop us from going to our next level when it comes to speaking to groups.
Whether you’re a seasoned presenter or a complete novice, there’s a next level of impact waiting for you.
Think about what your next level is now.
And then ask yourself – what mindset block is stopping me from doing it?
Because it always starts with our thinking.
Think about your biggest block – and then ask yourself these 2 powerful questions:
“What’s it costing me to hold onto it?”
“Who am I and what’s my life like without this block?”
People are struggling right now because they have a problem – and you can help them solve it.
I believe we all have a message to bring forth and a mission to fulfill on this planet. If you don’t do it, no one else is going to do it.
Deciding to get over your fears, make courageous decisions and help and serve your community is what makes you become a better leader, role-model and entrepreneur.
You are just one decision away from deciding to be the person who consistently takes bold action.
I put off presenting to groups for way too long because was so concerned about what people might think of me and was scared of judgment.
But I finally realised – it’s not about me – it’s about the message coming through me.
I decided to stop worrying about judgment. It’s ok if not everyone resonates with what you say. It’s about focusing on the people that you can help.
Turn the focus away from yourself and onto the value you can offer people.
The world isn’t looking for perfect presenters.
As imperfect presenters, we can still make a significant impact.
This is why I’m dedicated to helping women to become impactful presenters.
If you want to move people with your message, create real change and grow a business that makes a real difference, presenting is such an important skillset to add to your business.
If you want to know more about how to do this, I’m sharing my best strategies at my FREE online workshop next week ‘How To Grow Your Coaching Business With Online Events’.

I’m going into depth into my proven formula that I’ve developed over the last decade of running over 400 events, to help you master the skill of running events that people love.
(even if you’ve never presented before and don’t know where to start!)
I only run this workshop once a year.
So, if you’re thinking about the possibility of running online events, the best thing to do is go to an online event about online events. ????
Go here to learn more and secure your FREE ticket
I can’t wait to share my best, behind-the-scenes secrets with you!
Kat xo
P.S.: Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 other ways I can help you grow your business
1. Work with me to get more clients
If you’d like to work directly with me to get more clients… send me a Message with the word “Clients”… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details.
Message me here: https://katmillar.com/message-kat
2. Join our community and connect with like-minded Coaches & Experts
It’s our Facebook community where ambitious females entrepreneurs learn how to increase their income, influence, and impact.
Join us here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/amplifyyourimpactcommunity
3. Grab a FREE copy of my ‘Client Attraction Checklist’
This is a powerful roadmap to attracting leads, signing clients, and scaling your coaching business.
Grab it here: https://info.katmillar.com/the-client-attraction-checklist
4. Check out my upcoming events and latest special offers here:
Big love
Kat xo
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