Ever wonder why people don’t take action on your emails or posts?
There’s a revolutionary strategy that will change that.
Sharing belief-shifting content.
In my latest video in my Facebook group (Ute please link it), I shared my 5-Step Belief-Shifting Framework which is a simple, but incredibly powerful tool you can use to shift beliefs in your content.
This framework will become one of your key go-to resources when you need to create highly influential messages in any form.
You can use it to…
⭐ Craft content for social media, sales pages, email sequences, blogs, and more…
⭐ Plug into your video and workshop scripts and know exactly how to guide people to the belief that what you offer is exactly what they need…
⭐ Create the most compelling content so much faster by knowing exactly how to make your message land!
If people need what you offer, there’s only one reason they’re not responding to your content or reaching out to work with you.
Because they don’t yet believe they can get the result that you offer.
If they DO believe that what you offer will get them the result you’re promising, they’re MUCH more likely to buy.
This is why, if we want more clients, we need to shift beliefs using our content.
When it comes to creating content, there’s nothing more powerful than sitting down with a clear outline of what you want to say…
Saying it…
…and having your content just work.
That’s why we use frameworks.
And that’s why in this video, I share a simple yet POWERFUL framework you can use to shift beliefs in your content.
This is for you if you ever need to create highly-influential messages in any form…
⭐ You can use this for writing content for sales pages, email sequences, and more…
⭐ You can plug this into your video and workshop scripts to guide people to the belief that your offer is exactly what they need…
⭐ And you can create the most powerful content so much faster by knowing exactly what to say to make your message work!
Here are the highlights of what I shared:
There are 3 high-level steps to creating belief-shifting content:
Step 1. Identify Their Current Beliefs
Write down – what are some beliefs your ideal clients might have about…
1. Themselves – e.g. “It won’t work for me because…”
2. You or others – e.g. “It’s easy for you/others because…”
3. Your opportunity – e.g. “Your opportunity won’t work because…”
3. Your industry – e.g. “I don’t trust your industry/people like you because…”
Then we can use our content to shift these beliefs.
I’ll give you some examples:
- It won’t work for me because I’m an introvert. I suck at tech. I have too much going on in my life etc.
- It’s easy for you/others because you have a uni degree. You’re single. You’re not looking after other people. You’re good at marketing. You’re confident. You’re an extrovert etc.
- Your opportunity won’t work because it’s in a group and I can only get results 1-on-1. I’m already in 4 other programs. I don’t have time to watch the videos etc.
- I don’t trust your industry/people like you because I got burned, because everyone I’ve spoken to in your industry is dodgy or pushy etc.
Step 2. Identify Their Desired Beliefs
Now write down what you want them to believe instead.
Here are some examples:
- I’m a credible AUTHORITY and I know what I’m doing
- This is worth your TIME because of the result you’ll get
- I can offer a DESIRED OUTCOME
- My offer is proven and BELIEVABLE – it offers incredible VALUE
- You can take action RISK-FREE
- This is simple and anyone can do it
Step 3 – Incorporate The 5-Step Belief-Shifting Framework
1. Problem
Speak to your ideal clients’ urgent problems. Get their attention by talking about a very specific problem they have.
Share about a specific problem using a scenario and/or symptom of the problem.
2. Consequence
Briefly describe some of the consequences of not solving the problem and why it’s important to solve it now.
How will it affect them if things stay the way they are?
How will staying the same cost them – time, money, health, energy etc?
3. Cause
Share why what they’re currently doing to solve their problem isn’t working and share your insights on what you have discovered that DOES work, based on your expertise.
4. Solution
Share the high-level solution to the problem based on your expertise, without going into too many details of the ‘how’ – that’s what they need to pay for.
The specific ‘how-to’ is what they need to work with you to get.
Ideally show how this differs from conventional wisdom (or opposite to), or what they’ve been doing.
5. Action
Let them know this is a small part of a bigger whole. If they want the whole system, they need to take the next action.
The action is where you invite them to take the next step with you. For example:
* Downloading a free resource
* Registering for a free event
* Booking for a free strategy session
This belief-shifting framework is part of the Compelling Content Module from my ‘Client Attraction Roadmap’ that I teach my clients to get fully booked with clients and reach $10k or more every month.
If you’d like to know more about it, message me with the word ‘clients’ and I’ll send you the details.
P.S Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 other ways I can help you grow your business:
1. Grab a free copy of my ‘Client Attraction Checklist‘
It’s a powerful roadmap to attracting leads, signing clients, and scaling your coaching business. — Grab It Here
2. Join the community and connect with like-minded Coaches & Experts
It’s our Facebook community where ambitious entrepreneurs learn how to increase their income, influence, and impact. — Join Us Here
3. Work with me privately
If you’d like to work directly with me … just send me a Facebook Message with the word “Private”… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details! — Message Here
replay. Thank you
Yes, worksheet.
Hi Andrea,
Here’s the Belief-Shifting Worksheet: https://info.katmillar.com/belief-shifting-guide