I was on my rooftop the other night, enjoying the balmy night and I looked up at the moon and said aloud, "WOW. We sent a man to the moon. Nothing is impossible!”
Then a split second later, I start thinking about my limitations. Limiting beliefs and self-doubt start to creep in. How can that happen so quickly??
I realise, almost with a jolt that I’m sick of my limiting beliefs. I’m sick of self-sabotage! (“Stupid brain trying to keep me safe” I mutter…) haha!
I was chatting to my sister yesterday and she was really doubting herself and struggling emotionally.
Today she left me a super happy-sounding voice message. She reported that she felt completely different today because she’d decided to stop worrying and simply trust.
Something she said really stood out to me.
She said:
“ Howwwww can I go from hating my life one day to loving my life the next day, all because of one belief”
We spoke later about how crazy it is that beliefs make or break how we feel in any given moment. And the effect that has on our mood, our conversations, our actions, and our outcomes.
Focusing on what we want instead of what we don’t want is such a simple yet hugely powerful and under-estimated mindset hack!
I’m sick of ignoring limiting beliefs. Like my favourite coach Brooke Castillo says ‘cuddling them’.
Limiting beliefs cost way too much.
We need to stop pretending that limiting beliefs not there. We need to see them for what they are. Robbers! Downright stealers of our joy, peace and destiny.
I'm ready to align with my truest desires more than ever before.
All negative self-talk, beliefs and behaviours that are keeping us from showing up fully need to be brought to the light.
We cannot ignore them or accept them as truth.
It’s so easy to make excuses.
I don’t know enough.
I don't have enough money.
There’s not enough time.
Honestly, I'm sick of that word not enough. I’m sick of my own excuses. Sick of pretending that excuses aren't just fear and doubt.
So, I'm ready – to go to the next level.
I'm ready to continue setting goals that stretch me. I'm ready to think bigger. And I'm ready to lead my community in stepping up and thinking bigger too.
To still feel fear yes, and to take action anyway – knowing that I’m worthy of stepping more fully into the calling of my soul.
I believe this is the major work we need to do in 2019: Reclaiming our worth, our confidence and our power.
In order to do this, we have to be ready to let go of our own limiting self-talk and beliefs.
We have to overcome our own excuses.
For me, that excuse is mostly TIME. "I don't have time to finish my course," is really code for, "I'm procrastinating finishing my course because it feels too hard."
“I don’t have time to do videos” is really code for “I’m afraid to step up and be seen and heard.”
This can be tough, because while it's true that have a lot of responsibilities, I can find the time.
I find the time to scroll through Instagram, do marathon cook-ups, go to the gym each day and spend time with my friends...
Time isn't the real issue.
So, my invitation to you is to do some work around your beliefs around time, worthiness and speaking up.
It starts with questions.
Ask yourself, with kindness and honesty, how your own beliefs and self-talk may be limiting you.
Where does fear and self-doubt show up in your life?
If you’re allowing fear and self-doubt to hold you back, you’ll probably find that your self-worth is low. It will affect how you show up in conversations.
It will affect the opportunities that you either see, or miss. People will feel it, see it and hear it. And the most important person who will notice it, is you.
How are you getting in your own way?
What excuses need to be overcome?
Are you afraid to be seen?
Do you struggle with speaking up or stepping up in boldness and courage?
What needs to be released or decided on in order to move even just one step forward towards feeling worthy and brave?
Lots of questions, no wrong answers.
Love Kat
P.S. Are you a serious action-taker?
Are you ready to step up and take action to grow a profitable business?
My NEW 90-Day Accelerator program is a totally game-changing program that walks you through exactly how to create and grow a profitable business.
So you can start seeing REAL growth in your income, fast.
Life is too short to be left wondering "What if?"
It’s going at a one-time offer, next time I offer the program, it will likely be double the price.
And the final spots will be taken very shortly.
To discover the complete program, including how you can jump in and claim your spot, >>> head on over to this link now
Penny Dalton says
Thanks Kat for your honest reflections on this topic. Especially the conversation with your sister about ‘beliefs’ determining how we feel and then in turn, act. Always good to be reminded of this.
katmillar says
Thanks Penny, glad you found the reminder helpful 🙂