Hi! I’m Kat Millar
I help women coaches to get more high-value clients consistently, and grow a business they love that makes a big impact.
In 2004, I decided that the 9-5 world wasn’t for me anymore. I made a decision to leave the corporate world and embark on an entrepreneurial journey.
I didn’t know what I wanted to do, all I knew was that I wanted to help people. I was always at the gym and loved transformation so I became a Personal Trainer and enjoyed helping people get healthy and fit.
To help me decide what I wanted to do long-term as a career, I employed a Coach and got great results in discovering my purpose through working together, which eventually led to me wanting to be a Coach.
I studied everything I could about performance, influence, and personal development, including NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Coaching, and started helping people achieve success in their lives.
I also invested in multiple business courses from some of the best teachers in the world on marketing, sales, mindset, influence, and presenting.
People kept asking me how I was always so booked out with clients so in 2016, I decided to teach what I’d learned in over a decade of client attraction in 3 different countries.
I made 6-figures in my first 12 months of being full-time in my coaching business and now I support others to do the same.
I specialise in helping service-based business owners to get more high-value clients consistently, in an elegant, easy, and enjoyable way.

I’m grateful to have helped thousands of business owners achieve incredible results, and I’ve personally generated millions of dollars in business.
I’m blessed to have delivered over 6,000+ one-on-one personal coaching sessions and seen so many life-changing breakthroughs.
I’ve spoken at the International Convention Centre, Latin Dance Australia, and Shine Women, and personally run 400+ events.
The good news is that this success and experience can easily be transferred to you.
I believe every business has the power to change lives.
My mission is to support thousands of people every year to live on purpose, doing what they love, creating, and contributing from a place of abundance and freedom.
Together we can make a huge impact.

Things I’ve done:
- Awarded top 10 female Business Coach by Yahoo Finance
- Nominated for She Mentors, Mentor Of The Year award
- Nominated for KWE Business Excellence Award
- Certified Results Coach, Authentic Education
- NLP Practitioner, The Institute of Behavioural Sciences
- Trainer and Assessor – TAE40116
- Diploma, Diet and Nutrition Advisor Stonebridge Associated Colleges Dip. (U.K)
- Published author for Amazon #1 best selling e-Book ‘The Great Health Guide’
- Certificate of Nutrition Psychology – Cadence Health, Australia
- Invited guest speaker: including Filex Convention, International Convention Centre, Latin Dance Australia, Shine Women, and She Business
- Contributor: Workable Wellness, Oxygen magazine, U.K Body Fit magazine, Brainz magazine, The Great Health Guide magazine
Courses and Programs:
- Black Belt Business Program, with Taki Moore
- Path for Heart-Centred Difference-Makers, Authentic Education
- Doers Business Mastermind, The Doers Way
- Accelerated Coaching Certification, Authentic Education
- Digital Marketing Made Easy, Authentic Education
- Inspire to Buy – Sales Course, Authentic Education
- Entrepreneurial Sales Success – Business mastermind, Annette Lackovic
- Entrepreneur Now – Business Course, Your Future Now
- Coach Now – Coaching training course, Your Future Now
- Success Automation – Productivity and Systems course, Authentic Education
- Influence Now – Speaker Training Course, Your Future Now
- Excellence Now – Neuro Linguistic Programming Course, Your Future Now
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – Centre of Excellence
- Present Like a Pro – Speaker Training Course, Authentic Education
- Speaker Training Course – Jason Evers
- Leadership training – Michelle D’Souza, John C. Maxwell Leadership Course
- The Heart of Sales Course, Jeffery Slater
- 6 Figure Speaker Training Course, Shaune Clarke
- Business Management Night School – Life College (NZ)
Clients I’ve Worked With:
- Property Business & Bubbles
- Les Mills (NZ)
- Olympian Francie Aitken
- Emrald Intuitive Healing
- EasyTech Solutions
- Women in FIFO
- The Power of Change
- Simplify Your Tech
- Wiki-hospitals
- Westpac
- Property Mastermind
- FitFish (UK)
- Latin Dance Australia
- Dezzein International
- DATEability
- Thomas Reuters (UK)
- The Great Health Guide
- Avalon Functional Medicine Solutions
- The Phoenix Tribe
- Gutsy By Nutrition
- Partnerships For Growth
- Sacred Social Media
…plus many more.
I believe that everyone has unique gifts to offer the world and by sharing their genius zone, they can make a meaningful difference and get paid well for it.

If you would like to know how I can help you grow a profitable business that makes a meaningful impact…