Do you want to progress in your coaching business?
Maybe you’d like to see your email list and Facebook group grow, but right now, things are stagnant.
You’d like to have more clients, but you’re feeling stuck.
In this video, I share ‘7 Keys To Growing Your Coaching Business’.
These 7 keys fix 3 big mistakes that coaches make all the time when it comes to growing their coaching business.
Mistake #1: Focusing on too many different things
I talk to a lot of coaches who are busy, but aren’t getting enough clients and cashflow.
They’re getting stuck in the details, and not spending enough time focusing on RGA’s – revenue-generating activities.
Mistake #2: Staying stuck doing the same strategies
Or using outdated strategies that don’t work anymore. For example, doing a lot of repetitive manual work, instead of installing automated systems to help your business grow.
Mistake #3: Spending too much time on one aspect of your business
If we don’t take the time to make sure every aspect of our business is working, and plugging up any leakages, opportunities can fall through the gaps. You’re left feeling frustrated and stuck.
So in this video, I share with you 7 things you can do to consistently grow your coaching business.
#1. Give More
The goal is to add value through your content and overall online presence. This can be in the form of live videos, emails, posts, messages, or by being helpful on other people’s posts and answering questions.
It can be as simple as having conversations on social media, answering questions, and solving problems.
I’ve heard recommendations about holding back on value so that people want to pay you. I get that. But I’ve found that even if I share every day, it’s only a small percentage of what people need to grow their business.
And I’ve found that the more I give, the more clients I get.
People need to trust you before they think about working with you. And when you show up giving free value, you build trust.
#2. Decide More
If in business you made more and faster decisions, and you stopped doing the safe thing, your business would change.
Is it time to do the thing that you’ve been avoiding?
Is it time to do the thing that scares you?
Decide your next level and the single next action towards it. Then do that thing. Or set a date with a deadline that you’ll make that decision.
#3. Show up More
If you show up more in business you’ll create more opportunities for people to find you. Ask yourself “How can I show up more consistently?”
Maybe you need to decide on a repeatable pattern that your ideal clients can rely on and create a routine. Be consistent so that people know when they can expect your wisdom, strategies, and inspiration.
Once you make yourself available on a reliable basis, your ideal clients will notice that and trust you more.
#4. Reach Out More
Connect with more people. Imagine what would happen if you connected with people every day and asked them how they are.
There’s a great quote by Zig Ziglar that says, “If you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want”.
So think, “How can I systemise this?”
Try not to just rely on your memory – you don’t want people to fall through the gaps but instead, be well looked after.
#5. Invest More
If you don’t invest in your business, it’s not going to grow. Sitting on your money doesn’t grow your business. You need to put money into your growth.
This could be coaching, education, design, marketing etc. so that you constantly up-level.
You don’t reach your potential without a mentor. The most successful people have mentors and coaches and invest – they don’t just rely on free strategies.
Where do you need to invest to go to your next level?
#6. Expand More
Expanding more is about being in more places.
Business is a relationship game and it’s also a numbers game. More people need to know who you are. If they don’t know you, they can’t buy from you.
Make sure everyone has the chance to know you, everywhere! You’re probably really good at what you do, but not enough people know you so share in different places.
Don’t just hide behind your laptop. Get out there and meet people.
Magic happens when we connect with people. This can speed up trust and positioning like nothing else.
#7. Lead More
You’re the leader of your business. You’re the CEO. There’s no-one telling you what you have to do.
How much time do you spend as the employee, and how much time do you spend as the CEO?
Your job is to carry the vision and deploy your assets – such as your time, money, and energy into where the business needs it most right now.
A good CEO doesn’t get caught up in stories and emotions, they lead and they get resourceful.
Out of these 7, which of these do you want to focus on next?
What action/s will you take based on what we covered?
If you know it’s time to start making the impact you’re here to make and the income you deserve, I show you exactly how to do it in my upcoming workshop ‘Client Attraction Mastery’

I’m sharing exactly how to attract a steady stream of quality clients fast and consistently.
You’ll learn:
✅ How to get clients without doing sales calls
✅ 3 ways to create content that sells so that you don’t have to
✅ The 4-step 24/7 Marketing Machine™ marketing system that captures leads whenever you need them, without tech stress
✅ How to effortlessly grow your audience with the right people
✅ The 3 most effective ways to stand out online to clients who feel like your best friend
It’s happening THIS Saturday 4th June.
Hope you can join us!
Kat x
P.S Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 other ways I can help you grow your business:
1. Grab a free copy of my ‘Client Attraction Checklist‘
It’s a powerful roadmap to attracting leads, signing clients, and scaling your coaching business. — Grab It Here
2. Join the community and connect with like-minded Coaches & Experts
It’s our Facebook community where ambitious entrepreneurs learn how to increase their income, influence, and impact. — Join Us Here
3. Work with me to get more clients
If you’d like to work directly with me … just send me a Facebook Message with the word “Clients”… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details — Message Here
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