A lot of coaches and experts struggle to grow their business because they get stuck thinking…
- They need to compete with everyone else
- They need to be an expert at technology
- They need to chase clients
- They need thousands of followers
- They need to post every day
The truth is, you can grow a successful coaching business you love without doing any of those things.
After working with hundreds of coaches, I’ve found…
…it’s not about your skill… it’s not about luck… and it’s definitely not about your number of followers.
It’s about knowing how to stand out online.
And standing out in the way that’s aligned with who you are, and not having to do anything cringe-worthy…
What you need instead is a way to accelerate trust with your audience.
Let’s talk about what happens If you don’t stand out online, and I’ve seen this happen over and over again.
- You waste so much time creating content that doesn’t get eyeballs
- You feel like you’re a failure when you’re not
- You start doubting yourself and whether it’s even worth continuing
- You can’t reach the right people who need you
- You can’t get more clients and grow your business
The landscape is changing so fast with more and more people becoming coaches and heading online to do business.
That means, that we as coaches need to level up the way we engage with our audience, communicate our value, and how we can help them with our own unique brilliance.
Being a good coach is not the same as being able to grow a successful coaching business.
In fact, less than 24% of coaches are able to sustain themselves and focus on coaching full-time.
Only a profitable coaching business (not just coaching) gives you the FREEDOM to coach people all around the world from anywhere…
… and enjoy a great lifestyle, help lots of people, and be rewarded for it.
If you get this right…
- Your audience will grow with raving fans that love you
- People will reach out to you in DMs and emails
- You’ll Attract more soul mate clients fast and consistently
And ultimately, you will fill your calendar and your events with quality clients.
HOW do you do this – HOW do you stand out in a crowd of coaches?
HOW do you build your coaching business when not many people know you?
You can check out the video here…

Here are the 5 ways
1. Speak to the driving forces of your ideal clients
There are 4 driving forces that motivate people:
- Current frustrations
- Future fears
- Current desires
- Future dreams
When you’ve really dialled these in based on conversations with your ideal clients, you can speak to them directly in a way where they feel “She gets me”
This is about being very specific in your language – not vague or wishy-washy.
2. Drop value bombs consistently
This is about showing up and showering out your amazing brilliance to showcase your value.
Share in a way that is truly well thought-out and genuinely helpful for your specific audience.
A lot of coaches aren’t doing this.
Value meets people at their four driving forces and shows them a world that’s possible, and the gaps
It takes thinking – but the people who take the time to do it and don’t just post for posting sake but provide great value…
…they are the ones that stand out online.
And often leads to more sales.
3. Use quality images and videos
Quality doesn’t mean perfection or highly polished.
It does mean showing up as your best. Even if you’re sharing photos you’ve taken from your phone and recording videos on your laptop.
The main thing is that you don’t share poor quality, or old-school images and videos
Most of us could do with some brand up levelling, but it’s not about being super fancy. It’s about showing up with plenty of current and varied photos of you.
Beautiful, bright images, large text, ideal consistent fonts and colours
4. Be contrastive
Showing contrast is a great principle to apply in every aspect of our business.
If you’re just vanilla and nice, you often just blend in. People buy into passion and fire.
Show the difference between you and others. Show them your passion.
Go against a trend. Repel the wrong people. Openly share your opinions. Ruffle some feathers if you have a strong stance on something. Show why you’re different.
Ask yourself – how can I inspire people to take action by showing them the contrast between them staying the same vs. them taking action?
Think about how you can show more contrast in your business.
5. Unpack your Uniqueness
This is about showing people the real you. Then you will be in a unique category of ONE (not compared to thousands of other similar business owners).
To unpack your uniqueness, think about the things that you do that other people struggle to do, but you do naturally and really easily.
For example, at the moment I’m working with a client crafting their workshop content and building a framework around it. She couldn’t believe how easily I was coming up with a framework, because it comes pretty effortlessly for me.
What are the things that you can do effortlessly because you’ve done it for so long? This is part of your unique brilliance and your genius zone.
Keep showing up, keep sharing, and keep shining my friends.
Kat xo
P.S. How do you create a system that gets you amazing clients on repeat – predictably and reliably?
I’m sharing the exact formula that I use and teach to my private clients in my upcoming workshop “How To Get Coaching Clients With Easy Marketing”
I’m sharing…
* The Compelling Content Formula™
How to create compelling content that connects with potential clients & inspires them to want to work with you.
* The 24/7 Marketing Machine™
How to effortlessly automate your lead generation with my simple 4-step marketing funnel.
* The Elegant Conversion Event
A proven plan to launch an event in a way that attracts the right audience…
Marketing is not meant to be painful… it’s meant to be easy, effective, AND enjoyable!
Check it out and claim your FREE ticket here
P.S Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 other ways I can help you grow your business:
1. Grab a free copy of my ‘Client Attraction Checklist‘
It’s a powerful roadmap to attracting leads, signing clients, and scaling your coaching business. — Grab It Here
2. Join the community and connect with like-minded Coaches & Experts
It’s our Facebook community where ambitious entrepreneurs learn how to increase their income, influence, and impact. — Join Us Here
3. Work with me to get more clients
If you’d like to work directly with me to get more clients… just send me a Facebook Message with the word “Clients”… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details — Message Here
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