Are you busy doing a whole heap of stuff in your business?
Yet nothing is making a significant difference to your cash flow or impact?
One of the BIGGEST mistakes I see female coaches making is not knowing what to focus on.
Doing SO many different things.
Do you relate to this?
You sit down at your laptop each day and before long, have a load of tabs open…
Often spending more time consuming more of other people’s marketing…
…than spending time creating your own.
You end the day feeling like you didn’t accomplish much and don’t have much to show for all your effort.
Are you confused about what you need to focus on, on a day-to-day basis to bring in clients consistently?
Do you want to stop wasting time on all the things, and strip it back to what actually WORKS?
In this video, I share powerful methods that are the exact strategies that I personally use to have a steady flow of quality clients and help my clients do the same.
And in this video, I share them with you too, so you can…
⭐️ Stop wasting time on all the little bits and pieces that get you nowhere, and start getting consistent enquiries
⭐️ Have a stream of leads coming in, without marketing stress, confusion, or overwhelm
⭐️ Sell out your programs with quality clients that you love working with
Here are the highlights:
The 4 Essential Keys To Consistently Attracting Coaching Clients
1. Compelling Content Strategy
Compelling content attracts the right people to you.
It’s really sad seeing people posting content that doesn’t really get read or watched.
Often the issue lies in the way the content is written – it’s not crafted in a way that captivates the right people.
Approximately 80% of your marketing success comes down to the words you use.
Compelling content is organised and presents information in a way that compels them to stay engaged.
Most people don’t know how to do this – so their content isn’t working.
We need to speak to the part of the mind that’s responsible for making decisions and taking action – which is the subconscious mind.
In the video, I share 3 ways to do this.
2. Client Attraction Funnels
The second key to consistently attracting coaching clients is to have a client attraction funnel.
A client attraction funnel is a place where someone can opt in any time and you can continue to nurture them through automation.
This is your 24/7 client attraction machine.
You create an automated, profitable, scalable funnel and it’s an asset.
People can sign up for the next step with you any time of the day – when you’re when you’re sleeping, on holiday, or relaxing on the weekend.
It’s incredible because you can generate a limitless amount of clients from it. And you can use that funnel forever if you want to.
Funnels = Freedom
3. Conversion Events
A conversion event is a way of presenting what you do to a group of people in a way that converts the right people to clients.
In order to sign up new clients you need to be able to attract a group of people and have them give their time.
It’s almost impossible to get clients through just content alone, unless you’re a world-class copywriter.
When you run conversion events, you get time with people to build trust.
I recommend every coach has a signature talk.
When you know how to run conversion events, you can go anywhere in the world and make money because you have the skill.
At my upcoming workshop I’m going to be sharing how to create an event that converts the right people into clients.
Once you know how to run conversion events, you have a valuable asset.
4. Coaching Support
Support includes 2 things – an experienced expert and a quality community.
There’s nothing more valuable in your business than having the right support.
It holds you to a higher standard. It holds you to getting things done.
Receiving consistent clarity, guidance, and feedback from an expert who has achieved what you want to achieve, who is farther along in the journey is priceless.
They can look at your pipeline and say, “this is where the leakages are. We need to plug that, stop that, tweak that, stop doing that, start doing that”.
We all need to have an expert in our business if we want to accelerate our results.
We can’t reach our potential without it.
If you know it’s your time to start making the impact you’re here to make and the income you deserve, in my upcoming workshop ‘How To Get Coaching Clients With Easy Marketing’ I dive deep into these 4 strategies, and show you exactly how to do them.
The content that I’m sharing took me years to refine, I’ve put it into a formula and I’m sharing it for free because I want to help as many coaches with this as possible.
You’ll discover:
Compelling Content Strategy
Learn my unique brain-based content methods that attract the right people to you.
This allows you to effortlessly and elegantly influence people to take action on your content… so you can FILL your events & calendar with qualified clients and massively grow your income, influence, and impact.
Client Attraction Funnel
How to create a 24/7 marketing machine to capture leads, even when you’re asleep or on holiday. This is a powerful asset that massively frees up your time, WITHOUT a lot of effort.
It creates a consistent, steady flow of quality clients who want to work with you, reliably, consistently, and predictably.
Conversion Event Secrets
Discover the secrets to converting multiple people into your offer with ease, without needing to do any sales calls. Master the art of creating presentations that provide immense value, overcome objections, establish your expertise and convert the right people into paying clients.
All in a way that’s easeful, enjoyable, and effective.
Plus you get support directly from me, and a like-minded, inspiring community.
You can check out the workshop details here

You’ll learn exactly how you can attract a steady stream of quality clients fast!
You’ll walk away with a proven formula you can use for years to come to get new clients whenever you want them.
You don’t want to miss it!
Spaces are limited.
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