I’m getting our Inner Circle community together on Zoom for a 2-day business growth Virtual Retreat this month.
We’re offering 10 FREE guest seats for female coaches and experts who want to know the best strategies that coaches are doing right now to fill their businesses with ideal clients.
Here’s a glimpse into what we’re covering:
The Elegant Invitation: How to elegantly invite ideal people from your existing audience into paying clients via email & social media
The Propulsion Plan: How to rapidly remove the blocks in the way of your business growth and create a step-by-step plan for your acceleration
The Authentic Enrolment Formula: Gain valuable skills in asking powerful questions, and presenting your offers effectively
Mastering Video Marketing: How to create engaging presentations that grab attention and connect with the right people
Action-taking Sessions: Productive ‘get it done’ sessions where you make fast, tangible progress on your business goals
Expert Mentoring: Hot-seat sessions where you can receive quick answers to your burning business questions
Mastermind Sessions: Quality connection with like-minded female entrepreneurs
If you’d like to be one of the 10 people to secure a FREE guest pass learn more and reserve your seat now