Another year is almost over!
Before we turn the page and start a new chapter in 2019, I'd like to share my annual review with you.
I love December and spending time reflecting on the year that's been. I find it a really fun and enjoyable process to do.
I like reflecting on the past to learn from the lessons and challenges before looking ahead.
I'm basing my annual review this year on a process done by one of my favourite blogger's James Clear from
He says:
"A good Annual Review is also about looking toward the future and thinking about how the life I'm living now is building toward a bigger mission. Basically, my Annual Review forces me to look at my actions over the past 12 months and ask, “Are my choices helping me live the life I want to live?”
And most importantly, the annual review is a personal process. It's not about comparing how much or how little you did to someone else. It's about your life, your actions, and what you want to do for yourself. In other words, keep your eyes on your own paper."
My 2018 Review will answer these three questions:
- What went well this year?
- What didn't go so well this year?
- What did I learn?
What went well:
- Spoke at Soulful Fitness in Lane Cove 'From Stress To Success'
- Ran a Meet-Up event 'Unlock Your Success'
- Ran 3 webinars
- Ran 13 one-day business workshops including:
* Amplify Your Influence
* Package Your Passion
* Attract Your Avatar
* Profit From Presenting
* Selling With Soul
* Prosper With Productivity
* Content That Connects - Hosted 'Unleash your Freedom' - a multi-speaker women's personal development event
- Ran 'Amplify Your Influence' 12-month entrepreneurial program
- Taught classes for Bounce Training, Skills for Vocational Pathways
- Taught classes at FIA (Fitness Institute of Australia), Fitnation
- Taught classes at Sydney English Language Centre in Cert III & IV fitness - finished up there this year to allow more space and time for my business
- Regularly coached private clients in-person & online - business & mindset
- Helped Aimee increase her sales conversion rate from 50% to over 90%
- Helped Ricardo qualify for a World Championship cycling event
- Helped Joanna lose 20kg
- Helped Gemma run her first evening seminar
- Helped Arni win 5+ bodybuilding medals
- Helped Lauren edit her book
- Helped John improve his health and fitness
- Helped Vicki launch a new business and run 11 workshops
- Helped Natascha level up her mindset in business
- Helped Jess grow her Dateability brand
- Helped Alexa improve her time-management and habits
- Helped Jo step into more leadership in her community
- Helped Lisa get clarity on her business branding and packaging
- Helped Deb get clarity and decide to become a coach
- Helped Ruslan work through limiting beliefs
- Helped Nic negotiate a new job and higher salary
- Helped Kara run her first Meetup event
- Created content for eight new full-day workshops
- Sent and posted fairly consistent email newsletters and blog posts
- Did more Instagram and Facebook Live videos
- Authentic Education's 'Digital Marketing Made Easy' course
- Crewed at Authentic Education's 'Turning Point Intensive' events
- Crewed at Authentic Education's 'Success Automation' courses
- Crewed at Authentic Education's 'Wealth From Workshops' events
- Crewed at Live It Now
- Attended Colour 3-day Conference
- Attended 'High-Integrity Strategies for Sales Success' 1-day event with Brett McFall
- Attended Hillsong 4-day Conference
- Participated in Lisa Jane's '4-Week Creative Writing' Course
- Participated in Authentic Education online group coaching 6 months
- Tracked every workout on Whatsapp with a friend for accountability
- Started a wellness protocol with a stronger focus on nutrient density, cut out gluten, dairy and refined sugar and feeling great
- Holidayed at Hunter Valley, Port Stephens and NZ - including Rotorua and a road trip around the South Island
- Met some awesome new friends
- Attended 2 weddings, including my nephew's in Christchurch
- Did a crazy Sky swing ride on my birthday
- Got a new housemate, washing machine and my favourite - a new car that I'd been wanting for over 5 years! WOOP!
What didn't go so well:
Now for the not-so-fun stuff. Bleh...
Not so much blog writing and videos - I didn't post as many blogs and videos as I would have like to. I mainly created workshop content this year rather than blogs and videos. I'm looking forward to sharing many new articles and videos in 2019.
No international travel - I've been craving a long-haul trip for a while and wanted to do it this year but the schedule was too packed.
Not much study - I have some courses that have been sitting on the To-Do list for a while and I didn't get to them. These include a Leadership and Management Diploma, some online marketing courses.
What I learned:
Rest is non-negotiable - It's been a huge year of growth for me but at times it was at the expense of mental rest and recovery. I haven't allowed enough breathing room and margin between projects. I've learned that I need to rest my brain more to allow for more creativity and emotional wellbeing. I also need to create more space and room in my life. I got migraines when I stopped work in August to go to NZ and I learned that this often happens when we suddenly change from go-go-go to rest. I'm going to be more careful with this from now on.
The importance of being intentional with my social life - I was definitely business-heavy this year and though I took quite a few holidays, many were spent working and doing stuff.
Delegation and out-sourcing - I know I should delegate more tasks in my business, but I have delayed doing this for a long time. Last week, I finally stepped up and hired someone to handle a few tasks. Hopefully that will go well and I’ll grow as a manager and leader over the next year. Building a team of people who believe in the mission is something I want to become better at next year.
The importance of letting go of perfectionism - Many people who know me know I'm a recovering perfectionist who has regular relapses. I'm really working on this. With the number of things I produced this year, I was required to adopt the philosophy 'make a mess, clean it up later', which I absolutely did. I didn't have time for perfectionism, yet it kept creeping in. Old habits die hard. But they can die. I'm not letting this one live, I know it costs me.
Overall, I'm happy with the progress I made in 2018 and I’m excited to focus on improving my habits, routines, goals, and decisions in 2019 to bring more productivity and fulfillment.
I have lots of little habits that I want to improve on and changes I want to make for 2019. I'll share these and my goals on a separate blog post.
2018 has been fun, fulfilling and challenging. I've been very stretched. And my capacity has really increased and I'm much more capable to take on problems and difficulties.
What did you achieve and learn in 2018?
I highly recommend the activity of writing a review. I find it really insightful and enjoyable. Feel free to use this annual review as a guideline to write your own.
I'd love to read yours!
I can't wait to share my best work with you in 2019.
Thanks for reading!
Would you like some support making 2019 your best year yet?
I know I can help you achieve your dreams and goals, just as I have with thousands of others.
Would you like to set up habits that will bring you the success and fulfillment you want - and enjoy the process?
Many people wish that next year will be better without creating a plan on how to make that actually happen.
Many people set goals that they never achieve, or simply wish things would change without having to take any different actions.
I have a special limited coaching offer for THREE people only.
I'm offering a private one-on-one session, valued at $175.
There are just a few important conditions:
* You need to be motivated for change
* I'll be asking you some questions to get some feedback on what I'm offering in my coaching packages
* You need to lock in the time before 7th January. The session can be done after this, but must be booked in before then. (I want to encourage you to take action to get you on track and to secure your place before my calendar books up.)
Lock in your visioning and action planning session to ensure you feel ready and prepared for your best year yet!
Here's the link to book your session. (I'll be taking the link down once the spaces are filled).
To your success,
P.S Remember it's only for the first THREE people, so book now!
So interesting to hear what you get up to Kat! A full schedule as always with so much achieved 🙂
Your review sounds a bit like our project retrospectives where we focus on the 3 L’s – what we loved, lacked and learned. I think we decided at the end that everything fed into the learned column!
A great year GoKat , full and productive and packed with learning….It definitely sounds like its moving along your golden pathway…eyes on the prize , you are the leader and the servant to your best intentions. My huge wishes for a wonderful 2019.
Thanks John! Learning and productivity – my faves! I hope you’re doing great!